Meeting a Director

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It was the next couple days and Y/n was currently chilling in his living room reading a book while Karumi was sleeping with her head on his lap. He would occasionally pet her fox ears causing her to purr which he would find cute.

He then sensed someone at the barrier only to see that it was.....Director Fury? Y/n knew about Shield and it's own academy, he has gotten an invitation there only problem was Union also sent him one.

But him being the idiot he was back then thought that Union would be better for him training wise. But he would barely get any training in due to the constant bullying and harassment he got from them. But then again if he never went to Union than he would have never met Ryuko and Naruko.

Y/n: Karumi I have to get up.

Karumi: Mmmm, but I want my pillow....
She said with a bit of a whine.

Y/n: I know but I need to check something out ok?

Karumi: Ok...
She said getting up.

Y/n went outside to see that it was indeed Director Fury himself.

Y/n: Director Fury? This is quite the surprise.

Fury: Well, you'd be surprised by how hard it was for me to find you. Though I can understand why you would make it impossible to find you.

Y/n: If I may ask, why is the Director and Headmaster of Shield Academy doing at my very home?

Fury: I just want to talk. Thats all I ask.

Y/n: Well alright, but any funny business and you'll regret it.

He nodded as he let him through the barrier. They walked in to the living room where he saw Karumi and he was about to say something only to be cut off by Y/n.

Y/n: Don't worry Director, she won't cause any harm. I promise you. Please have a seat, would you like anything to drink?

Fury: Water is fine.

He nodded as he went to the kitchen to get the drinks. He came back after a minute as he sat on one couch and Fury sat down across from him.

Y/n: So what can I do you for the Director of Shield?

Fury: I'm sure you've heard about Union and their heros in training correct?

Y/n: How could I forget? After all I was their living training dummy.
He said with a growl.

Fury: That's why I wanted to get you to my academy before Union. You see your father used to go to Shield Academy as a student before he passed away.

Y/n: I never knew that....was he?

Fury: Powerless, yeah, him and your mother. But he was the best student we ever had. When I heard he passed I was upset. But since I found you out to be his son and you were at the right age I immediately sent an invite for you. Though I guess you went with Union.

Y/n: Yeah....sorry if I disappointed you.

Fury: Boy you never disappointed me. I was expecting something like this though you being a god like being was never included in any other idea I had in mind.

They laughed a bit.

Y/n: So what is it you're really here for Director Fury?

Fury: Smart just like your father. I'll tell you, I want you to join the avengers.


Fury: That's right I would like for you to join the avengers. Though you don't have to join the team you could help when we desperately need it.

Y/n: Hmmm, is there anything I should know about this deal?

Fury: Well the plus side is that Union will probably get off your back. And they won't do anything to you unless they wanna start a fight with us.

Y/n: Hmm, I guess I can see why they wouldn't want to start trouble with you.
He said with a nod.

Y/n: But what I want to know is why do you wish for me to join the Avengers?

Fury: Well when I looked through your files that Union had we say the least not happy. The fact that they let you in willingly and they treat you like that. That just shows they don't care about teaching their students, the next generation of heros, or the people they swore to protect.

Y/n nodded his head. He always thought that Union would help him be a hero just like his father was when his mother told him about him before she died. But he found out the hard way that they were nothing but fakes.

Fury: But there is also another reason why I came to speak with you.

Y/n Listened intently.

Fury: The Avengers along with a few other hero groups plan on going to war with Union. We have plenty of evidence for the people of Union City to stand against them. But we need more man power.

Y/n: And that where me and my friends come in?

Fury nodded his head.

Fury: Correct, we saw footage of the fight with Trihexa. And we need all the help we can get. But there's also the problem with-

Y/n: The Villian Faction?

Fury: Correct, we don't have an exact location of their main base. But we have and idea of where it is.

He said as he pulled out a holographic device which showed a land that was dark and druid. Almost completely baren if it wasn't for the sight of grimm.

Y/n: The land of Darkness?

Fury: You've heard of it?

Y/n: Only from Ozpin when I would eavesdrop on his conversations.

Fury: Well, for someone who's lived many lives he ain't the smartest when keeping things behind closed doors.

Y/n: So why do you suspect their main base to be there?

Fury: Well most part is that this land is completely uninhabitable, completely filled with grimm and whatever monstrous beast you could probably imagine. So it would make the perfect place for a main base.

Y/n: Yeah, you shouldn't have to worry about them, already have someone who could take care of them.

Fury: Oh, and who would that be?

Y/n: Lets just say that you'll most likely freak out if I told you now.

Fury: Hm, alright. Welp, I better take my leave. But think about the offer.

Y/n: Oh, I most certainly will.

Director Fury let himself out as he flew back to Shield HQ. He was met with the Avengers.

Steve: So, whats the word Fury?

Fury: He'll think about the offer and he's willing to help us with our Union problem.

Tony: Well thats just fan freakin-tastic! Let's get to popping some champagne!

Natasha: After we deal with Union then we celebrate. Though we may have to deal with Atlas along with the Villian Faction.

Fury: The villians he knows someone who can deal with them. As for Atlas, I think we should let him deal with that.......

Back at the L/n estate it shows Y/n who was watching drone footage that was sent to the land of darkness.

After a few hours of watching he saw what looked like a castle in the distance. This place was called Evernight Castle.

Y/n: Well Director, looks like your hunch was right all along. (Hmmm, I wonder if I could get the villians on our side to fight Union?)

A/n: Alright this is a serious question...

Do you all think that the Villian Faction should turn good and help with the fight against Union?


Should Y/n send a friend of his to wipe them all out taking care of a few "distractions" before the fight against Union?

Voting will end in a few days from today so post them quick.

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