"There's always a first time, though, right? I mean, he came back from the dead."

"Henry, I'm Dr. Shepherd. The back of your skull is disconnected from your spine. I'm going to try and reconnect it in surgery. Do you understand me? Blink once for yes, twice for no." Derek tells our patient, Henry. I should start reading patient files more... Henry blinks twice, clearly scared of what's going on with him.

"Okay, good. I know it's scary, but I promise you, I'm going to do everything I can. Do you have family?" Derek asked Henry who blinked once.

"All right. We're going to contact them, okay? Contact his family. Find out if he's an organ donor." Derek tells Henry and Cristina. Walking out of the room, I started to play with the sleeves of my shirt.

"Eleanor's surgery was successful. She's going to be fine Lexie." Derek says with a smile, but his eyes still remained cold.


"Lexie, do you want to go out with me?" Derek asked me. George told me how Derek would be with both Addison and Meredith at the same time. Cristina was the one that found out and told both women, resulting in them breaking up with Derek.

"No thanks Dr. Shepherd. You aren't my type anyways."

"What's your type? You're just a whore. I mean that's how your daughter came about." Derek replied with a smirk on his face.

"Being in a relationship with two women at the same time without their knowledge isn't my type. As for Eleanor's existence, I was sleeping with my now ex-boyfriend at the time of her conception." I replied before walking away.


Addison Forbes Montgomery's POV

"Who awe you?" A small voice calls out to me before I glanced over at Eleanor's hospital bed and see that she's awake.

"Hi there. My name's Addison Forbes Montgomery and I'm your aunt by marrying your aunt Meredith. You're at the hospital because you got hurt and your grandfather brought you here."

"Me Eleanow Sawah Gwey. Mama hewe?" Eleanor asks me.

"Of course she is. But is working right now with your aunt. I can get them here for you." Eleanor nods and I paged Meredith who's with Lexie.

"What happened to you?"

"Papa huwted me 'cause me no get him gwowed up dwink. Mama telled Papa he no allowed dwink in mowning. Me tiwsty Addie." Eleanor says before I grabbed her cup of water and placed the straw towards her lips. Eleanor drinks the water when Meredith and Lexie both entered Eleanor's hospital room. It was a private room in the paediatric ward of the hospital that had Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse stickers on the wall.

"Oh little butterfly, Mama's sorry that you were hurt." Lexie says while running her hand through Eleanor's hair.

"Mama no be sad. Me okay." Eleanor said with a pout on her face before looking at Meredith.

"Eleanor, this is your aunt Meredith Grey. She's a doctor here as well." Lexie tells Eleanor, who gives my wife a huge smile.

"Me Auntie Mewwy and Auntie Addie." Eleanor says, causing both Meredith and I to smile at her.

"Yeah I'm your auntie sweet girl. Now I want to ask you a very important question. Did you fall and hurt yourself?" Meredith asked Eleanor, who held onto Lexie's hand.

"Thatcher hurt her because she wouldn't get him alcohol." I informed Meredith, not wanting Eleanor to repeat herself.

"He won't hurt you again. You and Mama are going to stay with us from now on." Meredith tells Eleanor before placing a teddy bear on the bed beside Eleanor.

"We have lots of rooms and can make it just like your room at home."

"I can't ask you to spend that much money." Lexie tells us.

"My family comes from money, so I have more than enough. Meredith and I can't have kids so having Eleanor around will liven up the house. But you're both family and we will always be there for you two."

"There are some things that she needs for her autism. They're back at the house." Lexie tells us while continuing to run her hand through Eleanor's hair.

"I can have them ordered and put in the room before she's released. Just give me the information." Lexie nods and starts writing something in a notebook.

"Me like Winnie and Mickey!" Eleanor declared with a smile.

"I love them too little one."

"Her favourite colours are baby blue and lavender. They soothe her, especially during a sensory overload." Lexie tells Meredith and I before handing me a piece of paper.

"I'll have someone decorate the room with those colours. What's your favourite colours?"

"You don't have to Addison." Lexie says and I give her a reassuring smile.

"I want to."

"Pastel yellow. It's not that bright, especially if Eleanor has a bad dream and runs into my room." Lexie informs us.

"Our room is coral. Is that an issue for Eleanor?" Meredith asked Lexie.

"No it's the same colour as my parents' room. It'll make Eleanor feel safe and relaxed. Any colours that aren't too bright or dark will make her feel comfortable." Lexie says when Eleanor falls asleep and Lexie's pager beeps.

"We'll stay." Meredith promises Lexie who smiles before leaving.

"Our niece's going to be so spoiled by us." Meredith informs me and I nodded in agreement.

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