Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Natasha was walking to the kitchen from her room when she came across Bucky sitting on the floor. He was leaning against the wall next to the door of the bathroom.

"Hey baby" Nat laughed. "You alright?"

Bucky looked up and smiled at her. "Yeah, doll, I'm good. You?"

"I'm good. Why are you on the floor?" she asked as she took a seat next to him. Bucky put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

"Y/n's in the bath. I don't wanna go anywhere in case she needs me."

"You're an amazing big brother, you know that?"

"Yup" he grinned smugly.

"Are the two of you coming for dinner when you're done?"

"I don't know... y/n!" he yelled.

"What!" you called from inside the bathroom.

"What do you want for dinner!"

"I don't know!"

"You wanna see what the others are having?"

There was a pause. "Can we eat in my room?"

Bucky glanced at Nat, shaking his head slightly before answering you. "Pizza good?"

"Uh huh!"

Bucky took out his phone to call and order. Natasha waited for him to hang up before speaking again. "So how was shopping?"

"It was good. She had fun, I think."

"She feeling better?"

"We're getting there. I don't think she's comfortable around other people yet but I'm sure she'll be fine within a couple of days."

"That's good. How about you?"

"What about me?"

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm... okay, I guess. I won't be completely fine until she is. Even then, I'm not going to stop worrying about her."

Nat's smile grew. "Have I mentioned how great you are?"

"No more than you, doll" he returned, kissing the top of her head. She sat up straighter so they could share a kiss on the lips.

"I should really get going" she sighed. "I told the guys I'd be there to help cook like five minutes ago. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I'll try come find you at some point."

"Okay. Love you baby" she said, standing up.

"Love you more." He admiringly watched her walk away from him. He smiled when she waved back at him before slipping through the door.

Then the door next to Bucky opened. "Were you waiting for her to leave?" he frowned.



He stood up and walked with you back to your room. "I ordered the pizza, by the way. It'll be here in like twenty minutes... Sit" Bucky instructed. He grabbed the hairbrush and hairdryer from your dresser and sat behind you. He started brushing through your hair. "I'm gonna get Bruce to bring it up" he continued. "So when he's here, he can just do a quick check. Alright?"


Bucky sent a message to Bruce telling him the plan, then plugged in the hairdryer to dry your hair. You didn't speak to each other again until you heard the knock at the door. Bucky switched off the hairdryer, and started using the brush again.

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