Chapter Ten

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Tony called Bucky late Sunday afternoon to tell him about his next mission.


"What do you want Stark?"

"You have a mission. I need you-"

"I can't talk tonight Stark. I'll see you tomorrow." Bucky hung up. Tony groaned in frustration.

"What's up?" Clint asked.

"Barnes is busy. Again."

"So go to his house."


"Yeah, that's was your plan, wasn't it? Go stalk him when he's busy?"

"Yes! Great. Are you coming?"

"No, I have better things to do than to invade people's private lives."

"Suit yourself."

Tony headed for the car. On his way, he passed a group of the others.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked.

"To find Bucky. You coming?"

"Heck yeah!" Sam exclaimed.

"Seriously?" Steve sighed. "You're not done with this?"

"Not til I know what's going on."


Tony carried on walking. Sam followed him, and so did Nat. Steve decided to go too.


You were on the couch watching TV. Someone knocked on the door. Bucky apparently didn't hear it as he didn't come out of his room. You rolled your eyes and went to open it yourself.

You froze.

Your eyes first met those of Tony Stark, Iron Man. Then Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow. Sam Wilson, the falcon. (Although, you weren't that intimidated by him; Bucky said he's an idiot.)

Last of all, you saw Steve. You managed a small smile and he pushed his way to the front of the group.

"Hey trouble" he smiled. He tucked some loose strands of hair behind your ear and placed his hand on your cheek. "You look like you're feeling better."

"Mhm" you hummed. You glanced at the others standing at the door, but quickly looked away as they were all staring at you.

"Is Bucky around?" Steve asked.


Conveniently timed, a yell sounded from the other room. "Y/n! Who's at the door?"

"I'll go get him." You headed to Bucky's room, not looking back at the door even once. You walked in and Bucky looked up from his phone.

"Who was it?"

"Um, there's some people here to see you."

Bucky got up and out of bed. "Not expecting anyone..." he muttered.

You followed behind Bucky as he walked to the door. When he saw the others, he paused.

"Barnes" Tony said plainly.

"Y/n, go to your room" Bucky instructed.



You frowned at him but he had his back turned to you anyway. You huffed and did as he said. Steve decided to go with you, to avoid the awkward conversation. Bucky stopped him walking by.

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