Chapter Five

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"For the last time, the only reason you won was because of the bumpers!"

"The ball barely even hit them. I could win without."

"Then do it."

"Fine" you agreed. "We'll go bowling again. I'll have the bumpers down. Ned and MJ can come to be my witnesses."

"Absolutely" Ned beamed. "Team y/n all the way."

"Hey, man" Peter sighed. "Not cool. You're supposed to be on my side."

"Right, sorry."

The four of you were walking out of academic decathlon practice after school. Peter scanned the car park. He found May's car, and lifts for Ned and MJ.

"Do you need a lift home y/n?" Peter offered.

"No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure? Is your brother on his way?"

"No, he's... out" you subtly glanced at MJ and Ned standing by you. They'd never officially met your brother. They didn't know what he did for a living. They only saw him dropping you off and picking you up from school, which was too little time for them to recognise him. "One of his friends is coming to pick me up" you told Peter, knowing he knew who you meant.

"Okay. Message me when you get home. See you guys tomorrow."

"Bye" you waved to everyone as they left. You stood alone, waiting for Steve to arrive.

You impatiently checked the time after five minutes. You sighed and sat down on some steps. Another five minutes later, you felt something drop onto your head. It quickly began to pour.

You groaned and leaned your head on the wall beside you, closing your eyes as you let the rain soak your clothes.


You weren't on the floor. You felt something around your torso, and something holding the back of your knees. You were being carried.

You lazily opened your eyes to see who it was.


"Oh. Hi y/n/n" he beamed.

"What happened?"

"Well, I was a complete idiot-"

"As usual."

Steve laughed. "I thought it would be nice to walk home, rather than drive. But I didn't realise it was going to rain until I was halfway to the school. But I was already very late as it was so I thought it would be fine. I assumed you would have an umbrella or a coat, or at least a jumper."

"They don't go with this outfit" you smiled tiredly.

"It may not be stylish but it's practical."

"I know. I'm a bit of an idiot too."

"A bit?" Steve joked.

You lightly smacked him. "You can put me down now."

"Oh, right." He did so. "We are just at the end of your street." He pointed at the front door of your apartment building.

"I mean if you want to carry me the rest of the way..."

"I'm okay... you know, you're getting too big. I may not be able to carry you for much longer."

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