Chapter Seven

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You started coughing. You sat up on the couch and leaned towards the coffee table to grab a tissue. Your coughing fit passed so you blew your nose then chucked the tissue on the floor. You sat back and leaned on Bucky again.

"Did you actually take any of the medicine I bought for you?" Bucky sighed.

You moaned at him. No, you didn't.

"I want soup."

"There's cans in the cupboard."

"Bucky" you whined.

"I already made you pancakes, I'm not making you soup."

"But I'm sick Bucky! What's the point of you staying home to take care of me if you're not really taking care of me."

"I've done enough caring for you for today."

"Then leave. Go to work."

"You think I don't want to."

You frowned and watched the TV. But you couldn't focus on it.

"Buck, are you mad at me?"


You didn't say anything in response, so Bucky eyed you suspiciously. "You okay y/n/n?"

You shrugged.

Bucky sighed and paused the TV. He faced you. "Alright. What's up?"

"Nothing" you replied plainly and tried to take the remote. Bucky held it out of your reach.


You looked away from him.

"You said the other week that Tony was mad at you for missing out on work. Now you're missing out on more work and it's my fault. Again... You don't even wanna be here."

Bucky rolled his eyes and stood up. "God, you're annoying."

You looked up at him. "You're not making me feel any better."

"What soup do you want?"

"Chicken" you smiled lightly.

"Chicken it is... and y/n, you don't need to worry about my work. I'll handle it."

"If you say so."

Bucky moved to the kitchen and you laid down across the whole couch. You pulled a blanket over you and temporarily closed your eyes.


The soup was on the coffee table when you opened your eyes again. You didn't remember hearing Bucky bring it in. You sat up and picked up the bowl. You had a spoonful.

You spit it right back out.


He entered the lounge.

"You didn't cook this right. It's cold!"

"You've been asleep for two hours dummy."

"Uhh" you groaned. "But I want soup... Make me more?"

"Pfft. No."


"If you want soup, you either have what I made you, or you make your own."

"But that's cold, and I'm sick."

"You can cook a can of soup. You're not that sick."

"Ugh. You know what, I don't care. Go to work. I can look after myself."

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