Chapter Sixteen

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Your second visit to the compound was only a week after the first, on the following Friday. Bucky took you there straight after school so Steve could look after you while he and Nat went out to dinner.

Natasha was waiting outside for Bucky, so when you got to the compound, Bucky kicked you out the car and he drove off with her. You rolled your eyes and walked into the compound on your own.

But you quickly got lost. You couldn't remember your way to the kitchen or the living room. You were pretty sure you were on the wrong side of the compound entirely.

People started popping up in the hallways; agents of some sort were walking around. They kept looking at you as they passed, but none ever said anything to you.

Until one woman in particular came along.

"Excuse me, are you supposed to be here?" she asked sternly as she came marching up to you. Two men stood behind her, one on either side.

"Um" your voice came out weak and quiet. "Probably not... I got lost, I'm sorry."

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"Um, I-"


You looked to see who had called your name. It was Tony. He came over to you join you.

"I didn't know you were coming to the compound."

You didn't say anything; you subtly glanced at the woman beside you.

"Do you know who this is, Stark?" she asked.

"Yeah, don't worry, Hill, I've got her" Tony put his arm around you and started guiding you away from her.

"I'm sorry. I got lost."

"That's okay, don't worry about it. Where's Bucky?"

"He went out with Nat. I'm supposed to be finding Steve."

"I think he's in the kitchen. Come on, I'll take you."

"Thank you."

"So how was school?"


"Did you have fun at, uh, coaching the boys team?"

"Yeah- wait, how did you know that?"

"Because you told me last week."

"And you remembered?"

"Apparently so."

"Oh... yeah, it was good."


Tony made small talk with you until you reached the kitchen. Steve was sat at the table, which had two full plates on it.

"There you are! I was starting to get worried. Where have you been?"

"She got lost" Tony explained for you. "We're gonna have to give you a tour soon y/n."

"Mhm. Thanks for, well, finding me and taking me to the right place."

"Any time. Oh and if I don't see you again tonight, good luck tomorrow."

"Thank you."

Tony smiled and walked out.


Bucky and Nat arrived at the compound later that evening. Unfortunately, Bucky couldn't stay. He needed to take you home as you had your basketball tournament the next day.

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