Chapter Seventeen

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Bucky went straight to the compound to see what was going on. He noticed two black prison vans parked out front. He went inside, walking past a line of shield agents, waiting to enter an office.

Bucky found some of the team in a conference room.

"Stark. What's going on?"

"Barnes. Finally. We had a little security breach. Couple of guys were skulking around last night, around 2am. They had notebooks with passcodes written down. We think they were spying, collecting information. Our guess is Hydra."

Bucky stared blankly at Tony. His jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists.

"They're being held, waiting for interrogation. All others in the building are being administered a lie detector test so we can pick out any other double agents."

"Are you okay, Bucky?" Steve asked, noting his expression.

"There's Hydra agents here?" Bucky whispered harshly.


"How long have they been here? How many are there? What exactly do they know? Where. Are. They."

"As much as I appreciate you caring about your job for once... why?"

"Y/n was here last night! And last week! What if they saw her! What if they found out who she is?"

"Ah" Tony nodded in realisation. "Problem."

"Yeah. Problem. So what the hell are you planning on doing about it?"

"Well, we're gonna talk to them-"

"I'll do it. Where are they?"

"I love your enthusiasm. But I'm gonna say no. You're too close to this. Go home."


"Barnes. That's an order."

Bucky looked to Steve for help.

"I think Tony has a point. You can sit this one out. There's enough of us here to deal with it."

"I don't wanna sit this one out. I've gotta know what they know and make sure there is nothing to worry about before I can go home."

"No. Barnes, leave" Tony instructed.

After a lot of persuasion, Bucky eventually agreed to go home.

He had plenty of time. He could've gone to see you. But he didn't. He sat alone in the apartment. He hadn't realised that hours had passed until you entered the kitchen. You started rambling. Bucky didn't pay attention.

Then finally, Steve called with an update.

"Steve? Any news?"

"It terms of other culprits, none found yet. But we've only done a quarter of the lie detector tests. I don't know if we're going to finish them today so we're gonna have to lockdown the compound-"

"Hang on a sec, Steve... Will you shut up!" Bucky yelled at you.

You proceeded to yell back, but Bucky didn't have time for it. He stood up to go but you got in the way. Bucky because even more frustrated.

"I don't care about your stupid basketball!" He didn't care right now. He cared about finding out what was going on. Because he cared about you.

He pushed past you and went to his room to talk to Steve in private.

"Sorry, Steve, what were you saying?"

"Is everything okay?"

Bucky heard a door slam, assuming it was your bedroom door.

"Yeah, I'll sort it out in a bit. What happened with the Hydra agents?"

"Yeah, so Tony and I interrogated each of them and looked into what they were up to. Turns out they've had clearance to enter the compound for three weeks. But it wasn't full access, so they wouldn't have been able to come to our side of the compound so they wouldn't have been able to even come near y/n. They shouldn't know about her."

"They... shouldn't?"

Bucky heard Steve take a breath.


"Nothing... I'm sure it's nothing. It's just... last night when y/n came to find me, she got lost. Hill found her, but I don't know who else she ran into, if anyone."

"You're saying someone could've seen her?"

"We don't know. But that doesn't mean they even know who she is. You should talk to her about whether or not she spoke to anyone."

"Okay... and you said I can't come to the compound until tomorrow."

"It's supposed to be on lockdown until all agents have been interviewed. I'm sure we could get you in, but I think you should stay with y/n."

"Yeah I'll do that. Keep updating me, though."

"I will. Bye Buck."


Bucky hung up and placed his phone on the bedside table. Then he lay back on his bed. He sighed and ran his hand threw his hair. He stayed there for a couple of minutes before going to see you. His first thought was to apologise for yelling. It wasn't you he was mad at, but he took it out on you anyway.

He went to your room. The door was open. He frowned as he could've sworn he heard you slam it earlier. He was even more confused as you weren't in there at all.

Then he was suddenly worried that it was the front door you had slammed.


He hurried to the kitchen to see if you were in there. You weren't.

"Oh shit" he muttered.

He was about to turn to go when he spotted your bag on the floor. He sighed and went to pick it up. It was half open so he knelt down to zip it up. But he noted it's contents.

He took out the biggest of the three trophies. Part of one of the three broken trophies.

He sat back, leaning against the wall as he held it in his hands. He turned it over to see the inscription.


He decided to look at the others.


The last one was cracked in two, right down the middle. Bucky held the pieces together to read what it said.


Bucky groaned regretfully and banged his head against the wall.

A minute later, he got out his phone and called May.

"Hey Bucky. How are you?"

"Um. I don't know. Is y/n at yours?"

"I'm actually not at home right now. I can call Peter for you?"

"I've got his number, I'll call him."

"Okay. Is everything alright?"

"God, I hope so."

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