Chapter Eight

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You heard the keys in the door and sprinted towards it. You swung it open.


"Nope" he turned but you grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.

"You know Steve doesn't know how to make soup! How do you not know how to make soup! It's like, so easy! I can make soup! But I didn't. So I didn't have dinner yesterday. But-"

"Wait, hang on. You didn't have dinner? Where's Steve?"

Bucky heard a groan. He walked round to face the couch and saw Steve lying face down.

"What's up with you?"

"She's been up since five" he moaned into the cushion.


"Because Steve let me sleep at six" you explained. "And he let me sleep before he gave me dinner. And he hasn't made me breakfast. And you need to make me breakfast. Cause I can't do it cause I'm sick and I need you to-"

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me. Why would you think something is wrong with me?"

"Why are you so hyper?"

"Oh see so cause I'm sick you know I woke up with a sore throat and a headache and a blocked nose so I needed to fix it but I can't remember where I put the medicine so I couldn't have that so I needed to find something else instead so I was looking and I went in the fridge and I found your beers so I had one then-"


"Then I had two and I ended up having six because did you know it helps with a cold! Cause I had a sore throat when I woke up but-"


"Yes because as I was saying I had a sore throat but then I drank the beer and my sore throat was gone but actually it made the headache I had worse which sucked cause-"




You frowned at him.

"You're not helping my headache."

"Go to your room!"

"But you haven't made me breakfast yet."


"I'm hungry" you whined.

"Oh you're such a little bitch" Bucky started marching towards you.

Your eyes widened in fear.

"NO!" you screamed and turned to run back to your room. "I'm going! I'm going!"

Bucky followed you, stopping in your doorway. "You stay here until I want to deal with you."

"Okay... okay but before you go... can I have another beer?"

"Oh you did not just ask me that."


"I will be back soon."

"With a beer?"

Bucky angrily shook his head before leaving to go talk to Steve.

He got back to the living room and stopped. He sighed at the empty couch and open door. "Son of a bitch."

As he walked to the kitchen, Bucky sent a text to Steve reading 'coward'.


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