❀🌙🍋♀Dark Cacao X Affogato💛🕯❀

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Requested by NudyJudy 

Okay, just for clarification: Dark Cacao is Trans

So basically He/Him pronouns but he has a pusay (I think)

Thanks for requesting!


~Dark Cacao POV

Dark Cacao Cookie was resting in his room. He didn't want to take throne duties today because he claimed he was ill.

However, Dark Cacao was fine, but he had to be cautious about guards finding out that he was okay.

Caramel Arrow Cookie was ruling over, leaving all Watchers to lean on the Second Watcher, Coffee Roll Cookie.

Dark Cacao felt angered just thinking about Coffee Roll. They had a romantic relationship with Affogato, which he didn't want to think about.

Dark Cacao scribbled in his private book. He kept all of his dirty dreams and secrets in this small notebook.

He had an intense attachment and obsession with Affogato Cookie, and he just wanted a moment to feel pleasure with him.

Dark Cacao drew Affogato in lewd and dirty positions multiple times on the same page. He sometimes even ripped out one of the pages and slept with it under his pillow.

He was sketching a drawing of him and Affogato tongue-kissing, and he enjoyed creating it. He even wrote stories of the two doing naughty things.

Dark Cacao kept the notebook in his nightstand drawer with a lock. He was glad nobody had found it yet, as he would have no way to explain if someone did.

Dark Cacao got off of his bed and stretched. He exited his room and sighed in relief that there were no guards nearby.

He walked across his room into the bathroom, not realizing to lock his book away.

~Affogato POV

"Hehe... Coffee Roll, you're so funny." Affogato held Coffee Roll's chin in his hand.

"Affogato, I must focus."

"Oh, do you want me to leave? Very well."

Affogato stepped away, but he looked back. He hesitated to leave. He felt like Coffee Roll didn't like him.

Coffee Roll didn't even look back at Affogato. Instead, they just continued with their job.

'I shouldn't have come here in the first place.' Affogato thought.

Affogato walked to the downstairs part of the Citadel. He (unintentionally) walked down the hallway to where King Dark Cacao's room was located.

He didn't bother checking on the King, but he noticed the door was left open. Curious, Affogato peeked inside and saw a mysterious book on the messy sheets.

Affogato picked up the book with caution. The cover read, "Affogato, my love." in a fancy yet scratched-up font.

His hands began to shake as he slowly opened the book.

There, he saw himself drawn in obscene positions and with lewd faces. The drawings were so detailed that it was scary.

But he knew he had to act on it.

~Dark Cacao POV

Dark Cacao finished his business in the bathroom. He had already planned his next drawing of Affogato.

♬🎀𝘾𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙚 𝙍𝙪𝙣 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨🎀♬Where stories live. Discover now