.•°✉️☁️Mint Choco X Cocoa🐑🍨°•.

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Story requested by: ME (This is an example story)

(♡Yes, I will shoutout the people who request the stories.♡)


~Mint Choco POV

It was a warm evening in Earthbread. Mint Choco was tuning his violin on his front porch as he also practiced a few music pieces for upcoming concerts. 

He eventually put his violin down on his chair and walked over to the fence. Mint Choco was in awe at the delightful smell of the sugar grass and the warm air.

He also felt another feeling, something he couldn't forget, but then it came to his head. Cocoa Cookie.

Mint Choco grabbed his phone and called her immediately. 

He had dearly missed her since the only interactions they had after his Winter Concert was just a few phone calls and a couple of small dates, but that was it.

"Hello?" Cocoa Cookie picked up. Mint Choco snapped out of his thoughts and blushed.

"Good evening, Cocoa Cookie! I've.. missed you. We haven't seen each other this month!" He answered.

"Aww... That's so sweet of you! I've missed you too, and nothing has been going on since our last meeting. All I have been doing is drinking my wonderful cocoa!" 

Mint Choco laughed at her usual mentions of cocoa. "So.. I was thinking. Do you.."


"Do you want to come over? It's totally fine if not.. I just thought we'd meet up after a while! That's all.." Mint Choco was sweating.

 He had never invited other cookies besides family to his house. He used to invite a couple of friends, but that was all.

"Oh, of course, I would! I want to hear the latest music pieces you've been telling me about! I'm not busy right now, so I'll be right over! See you in a bit!" 

Mint Choco was excited. He set up some snacks and cleaned the table where they would sit to eat. He also set up a chair for her to sit in to listen to his music.

~Cocoa POV

Cocoa Cookie was excited, but also quite nervous. She got dressed, fixed her hair, and was off to see Mint Choco Cookie, but something bugged her. Something that she was forgetting. 

"Ugh.. What am I forgetting? I have my marshmallow, my cocoa cup, my handbag... What could I possibly be forgetting..?"

She shook her head, but then it came to her. 

"Oh! The letter! How could I forget that, I spent all night writing it!" She exclaimed. She grabbed the note in a rush, stuffed it in her handbag, and dashed right out of her house to see Mint Choco Cookie.

They didn't live far apart, but they still didn't visit each other. Neither of them would break the ice any time they would chat, so they just made awkward small talk or never talked at all. 

Cocoa decided to walk to his house. The air was warm and smelt nice, so she thought it was a good idea. It wouldn't hurt to keep Mint Choco waiting just a bit, right?

~Mint Choco POV

Mint Choco Cookie was pacing around his living room. It has been 15 minutes since they called each other.

"Did something happen to her? Did she cancel without me knowing? Oh.. What if she doesn't like my place!?" He worried to himself. 

Since he hadn't invited anyone to his house before, he never had the confidence to just show someone around or just simply tour the place. Mint Choco came to his senses.

"Calm down, Mint Choco Cookie. You can do this.."

Right when he calmed himself down, he heard a knock at his door. A wave of relief washed over him as he opened the door to see Cocoa Cookie.

"Uhm.. Come right in! I see you have brought your cocoa!" 

They both laughed, but when Cocoa walked further into the house, he facepalmed. Stupid.. He thought.

"Wow, you have a nice place! Can you show me around? Oh, I would love that!"

Mint Choco nodded and showed her around the place. It took him a short time since there weren't any distinguishing features about his home, except for his medals.

"Oh my, are these your awards? They're so shiny and glittery! If only I had an award.." 

"Maybe you can have an award for drinking cocoa!" Mint Choco teased.

They both laughed at the joke, then blushed, then sat down at the table. Mint Choco was preparing food as Cocoa Cookie turned on the TV. 

Mint Choco planned this dinner, it would be a romantic Candy Pasta dinner with cocoa on the side. It wouldn't be the most romantic, but it was the best he could think of.

~7 pm, Dinner was ready

"Mmm.. This smell delicious! Thank you, Mint Choco Cookie," Cocoa Cookie smiled and started eating. Mint Choco felt blessed to see her adorable face up close and started eating too. "Cocoa on the side, too? You're amazing!" They both blushed, and Mint Choco started eating again, thinking too much about Cocoa Cookie.

As they both finished eating, Mint Choco mentioned what Cocoa Cookie had said over the phone earlier.

"So.. about my music pieces.."

"Oh yeah! Please, play for me! I can't wait to hear the wonderful music you play."

Mint Choco got out his violin and started playing his most famous pieces, Cocoa clapped after every performance. Eventually, Mint Choco was finished, and they both walked over to the couch. They both sat and watched TV. Both of them. Together. Alone.

Mint Choco looked at Cocoa Cookie, and gave her a soft kiss. They both blushed heavily, and a few moments later, Cocoa fell asleep on Mint Choco's shoulder.


✉️☁️~910 Words~🐑 🍨

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