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At home

Y/n woke up she thought "What happened to me i was fainted or sleep. I don't remember". She was confused that she was sleeping or she fainted but then she thought maybe she fainted and then also slept because of headache medicine. then she directly went to Rose's room to check on her. When she reached there she meet with emptiness. She checked everywhere but she was no where to found. He head was still spining. She was not feeling well. Then suddenly the door opened and Jimin came in with Rose in his hands. He ignored y/n and directly went to his room. He layed her on bed and came in living room

He was angry very angry because anything could have happened if it had been a little late. He was also angry with y/n cause she was at home and didn't helped her but didn't knew what happened to her. He came to her and asked

Jimin : where was you y/n

His tone was not sweet. He was angry. She felt scared. She felt scared because Rose was not well and Jimin was also angry.

Jimin : I am asking something

Y/n : in my room

Jimin : what was you doing

Y/n : i was sleeping


He shouted on her

Y/n : I didn't knew she was ..

But before she can complete her sentence he said

Jimin : why are you behind everyone's life. Because of you we all lost so much what you want now
He was crying now. He fell on his knees. He didn't knew what was he was saying in anger.

Jimin : please leave her life if you want take mine.
Hearing this tears made their way from her eyes. Jimin stood up and said. Tae also entered in he didn't knew anything but heard Jimin. He didn't heard their full conversation.

Jimin : Y/n why you ignored her. She was screaming in pain. She was crying and shouting your name why you didn't listened. She has complications now. She can die now. She can have surgery. If only you have not ignored her painful crys for your sleep she would have been fine.

She didn't said anything

Jimin : I am leaving from here. Because your carelessness she is in this condition i can't believe you anymore. Doctor said she is week. But you said your taking care of her huh. What care you did
Tae spoke from behind. He only asked 2 questions

Tae : what happened to Rose

Jimin told him everything

Then he asked to y/n

Tae : was you really sleeping

Y/n nodded

Tae : how can you be so careless. Do you even know what she has did for you. She put her life in danger for you and you just slept not careing about even ignored her painful crys for your sleep. How can you do this y/n huh

Y/n : I am sorry tae but

Jimin : your sorry will not make everything ok y/n
Jimin left from there. Tae also left in disappointment.
Y/n fell on her knees crying miserably. She didn't did intentionally. She slept there on the floor crying. Tae was in his room. He was in shock that y/n did this but he didn't knew the real reason

Tae came to living room he saw y/n on floor. He picked her up and took her to his room and layed her on bed. And then they slept.

Next morning

REBIRTH  //  (KIM TAEHYUNG FF)  // COMPLETED✔️//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora