Part 5_2ND_MEET_

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Part 5
Next day
You idiots .How can you leave her huh I want her a person said . Sir she have a prove First we have to get the proof then we will see her guards said . Ok person said

Tae pov
I woke up in the morning and went to towards bathroom to take a shower.After takin a shower I went downstairs for the breakfast My grandma sitting on dinner table wating for me .

Grandma: Hey ! You woke up come here fast and have your breakfast.

Tae: Good morning grand ma I am here

Grandma : why are you not agree to
marry the girl of my choice

Tae: grandma i need some time

Grandma : ok how much

Tae: hmm ! 2 to three months

Grandma : what this is to long

Tae : I know but i have a work to do so please

Grandma : ok

I had my breakfast and then went to my office here I had a conversation with my personal bodyguard.He helps in both of my work ( Tae is owner of a company. And his second work is secret now )
I said him do whatever you can .He said ok

I was going back to home but in middle of nowhere my car stopped . I tried to start it again but it didn't. So i left the car there and started walking . I was driving because I wanted some time alone. I was walking through the road when I saw that girl whom I saved. When I saw her i started getting flashbacks. My head was aching.I fell down on my knees. She noticed me and ran toward me . She aske me what happened to you. But I was not able to give her a answer . She gave me some water and I drank it

She asked me are you feeling well now I hmmmed in answer . I saw her eyes and and i lost in them . I don't know what was happening with me but then I looked at her lips .I became out of control and kissed her . She pushed me and slapped me and she stood up. I also stood up and held her from her wrist and dragged her near to me She tried to free herself and she was successful in it and then she said i thought that your my tae but your not he will never do such a thing which you have done and then she left

I was confused that how she knew my name and what she said . While thinking all this i was walking and a car stopped in front of me .it was my bodyguard . Then I sat in my car and went to my home

You pov
I was walking through the footpath when I saw him my heart skiped a beat when I saw him like this he was on his knees I went to him and asked him what happened to you and but he was not able to answer me so I gave him some water from my water bottle and then i asked him again that he is now ok or not he hummed in answer He was staring on me and suddenly he kissed me i pushed him away from me and slapped him and then i got up to leave but he held my wrist and dragged me close to him i tride to free myself but he was stronger than me at last i succeded and left from there towards my home I arrived there and went inside .after that I took a shower had my dinner and went to sleep

Tae pov
I arrived at my mansion and went inside towards my room to take a shower then i had my dinner and then i went to sleep .

Sorry again for small pasts

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