"You won't tell anyone?" I whisper and he shakes his head.

"I never have, you are my best friend." He smiled and I smile, "I still don't see why you haven't dumped him yet."

Luca knows, we are close, he can see that I have lost interest in Ryan, I've known Luca for thirteen years now, he knows everything about me and didn't fail to miss this.

"It's difficult." I shrug and he hummed and we head back into the lesson, I gave a quick smile to the teacher and she nods as we sit down at the back.

Teachers stop asking questions, whenever there's a fight that involved Ryan, they know that I will be the one to help him after and that's why I'm late to lessons and no questions asked. Luca too.

I go back to sitting in the seat in the back of the classroom, a few eyes are on me but they see on look away as the teacher began to speak again to continue on the work. Romeo and Juliet.

Honestly, I have always loved this book, Shakespeare is just different in this book you could say, but it has just been one I have read years ago and loved it. It happens a lot.


It is now lunch, I stayed behind in my previous lesson to take extra notes for an upcoming test. Now, I am walking over to the hall where there is rows of tables filled with students. I notice the table sit at, the football team is there, Luca joined also since Ryan persuaded him to finally join, there is also some others. Ryan also who I thought would be in detention, is seated there, a blonde girl whispering in his ear, her hand brushing against his on the table.

That must be one of his other girls, I already know I am not the only one.

He looks at me, the smile spreading over to his face and that blonde quickly leaves once she saw me approaching the table and I take a seat beside Luca who is next to Ryan.

"Bro come on, let me sit next to my girl." Ryan nudged Luca who rolled his eyes and moved so my boyfriend was now pressed up against him, "Hey babe, what took you so long?"

"Sorry, I was taking notes, lost track of time." I gave him a small smile and he kissed my cheek and Luca pushed a tray of fries towards me.

"Don't eat them, they will make you fat." He whispers and I push the tray away. It happens a lot, he wants me to be her, he wants me to look the way he wants and it is controlling, I hate it. I have tried to stop all of this but he refuses to, he tells me all the girls are like this, if I break up with him it would be my loss and I don't give a fuck.

When I tell him it's over, he just says no, he tells me he did nothing wrong and I am being unreasonable and have no good reason why.

We fight, it's usually over ridiculous things according to him, my reason is that he is cheating and spending nights at other girls and hooking up with them. His reasons are that I am not giving him enough attention and that is why he spends nights with "the team".

He makes me feel guilty about myself, ashamed of myself most of the time, and making me feel I have no other choice but stay because it would be what is best. It is toxic I know.

"Lydia? Are you coming?" One of the guys from the football team asks me and I look over to him, "The game tonight, are you going to come and watch?"

"Yes, yes of course." I respond and he grinned and I gave a small smile as I take the bottle of water and some chewing gum as I put the stick in my mouth and take a gulp of water.

Ryan left the table a few seconds later, heads towards the counter where the food is getting sold and I look over to Luca. Before I could say anything, the doors opened and we look.

Rea. Ryan's sister. A few days younger and she is the sort of person you can either love or hate, there is no in between.

She walks in with a miserable look on her face, a jacket falling off her shoulders which she used instead of a blazer, her tie loose around her neck, her skirt rolled up basically over her ass like most girls in this school. I have mine at an appropriate length, a few others do too but I often wonder why there isn't more.

I watch as she approaches the table, her eyes scanning everyone before sighing.

"Rea? Is there anything we can do to help you?" Ryan asked as he sits back down with a sandwich and fries in his hands.

"I was looking for you, who did you fight and why?" She looks at her brother and he rolled his eyes, "Tell me I am bored."

"No, go find a girl to mess with like you usually do." He chuckled and she stuck her middle finger up at him and my lips rise into a small smile but quickly disappeared before anyone could notice.

"I take after my brother." She smirked and his eyes go to her in a split second and mine do the same, "Oh shit, my bad."

I sighed and she shrugged before looking at her brother. I am pretty sure this table is silent, she always knows how to shut us all up.

"It was Arlo, you know him right? He said things which wasn't acceptable so I sorted it out." Her brother answered and she hummed before turning away, "Don't come back."

She walked away and I watched as she left the hall, lighting a cigarette as she did so.

Rea wasn't always like this, she was different before her father died, it hurt her more than it hurt her brother, she is just trying to get through it all by distracting her mind with cigarettes, alcohol, girls, and more.

I feel bad for her. She doesn't deserve this, nobody does if they had to go through it because pain isn't the way out of it all.

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