𝐃𝐑 𝟏𝟕

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𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀𝗼𝗻, 𝗠𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗽𝗽𝗶

"A nurse is going to step in at this moment" Dr.Yu said then walked out. I sat looking around going through drawers and stuff.

"Damn" Ka'ior said walking back into the room "Where my doctor" She asked sitting on lil patient table.

"She stepped out a nurse supposed to be coming" I told her staring at her. She didn't even look me in my eyes. My old Ka'ior did.

"Good Afternoon Im Nurse Banks" A black lady said coming in the room "Good Afternoon" Ka'ior smiled at her making a twitch a bit.

"So I'm going to draw your blood" She said going in the cabinets taking everything out. "Okay" Ka'ior nodded. "This will be quick" She said wiping down the area where the vein was.

"Here we go" She said then blood started dripping into the container. "We are going to do this twice, and I'm going to get some water for you" She said walking out the room.

"Lord" Kay said laying down getting on her phone. "Let me take you to dinner tonight" I said "Okay" She nodded. I smiled rubbing my hands then taking out my phone making reservations and ordering a 100 count rose bouquet.

"Here you go and I'm going to take this" The lady said coming back into the room with her water and took the container she peed in.

"Another nurse will come in to check you medical history, and take your blood pressure" She said walking out. "Do it usually take all these nurses" I asked her "I don't know" She shrugged

"Hello Im Nurse Goodwill and Ill be your checking you Medical history and taking blood pressure" She said sitting down at the computer.

"Any family medical history" She asked typing around "My mom had Sickle Cell Disease so I carry the trait" She told her. "So it's possible for your child to have the trait as well" She asked

"Maybe if the father doesn't have the trait as well" She said "No I don't" I said "Okay, anything else" She asked "No Ma'am" She said.

"Alright, Im going to check your blood pressure on this arm" She said taking out the lil thing.

*I don't know what it's called*

"Alright" She said strapping the thing around her arm and then started squeezing the lil ball. "Alright" She said picking up the tray. "I'm going to unhook this" She said unhooking the blood and then wiping it down with a alcohol wipe.

"We draw blood from the other side" She said hooking it back up to the other side with clean needle and a new bottle.

After she was done she walked out the room taking everything with her. "I'm tired already" Ka'ior said yawning. "You been sleep all day and we only been here 30 minutes" I said taking my phone back out seeing we had a deal with the Colombians tonight.

"Shit" I said remembering I was taking Kay out to dinner. I could take her with him but I don't want her around that stuff.

"Okayyy we have the test results back you are definitely pregnant next appointment we are going to see how far along you are because we ran out of time today" The Nurse said.

Taking the needle out her arm and wiping it down and putting a bandaid over it. "Come on" I said helping her down.

She walked out the room before me before she could step outside, I did and opened the umbrella for her "Thank you" She smiled walking to the car and getting in.

I walked to my side closed the umbrella and got in. "You going home?" I asked her "Where else would I go?" She looked at me like I was dumb "My House" I said smiling pulling into traffic to go to her Granny house.

"Boy bye" She said laughing "I feel like it's a boy" O told her turning onto the highway "Me too" She nodded taking pictures of herself.

"Now watch if we both wrong" I said laughing. Slowly I felt old time creeping back into play making me happy. I might get my Ka'ior back.

"We won't" She said smiling. I smiled back at her turning off the highway and onto her street.
I pulled into her putting the car in park but didn't cut it off.

"You not coming inside?" She asked unbuckling herself "No, gimme kiss" I said leaning over grabbing her neck and giving her a deep kiss.

She moaned into my mouth as I sucked on her tongue. After I was done I gave her a couple pecks on lips. "Be back around 9-10 ish be dressed" I said "Okay"

She closed the door and walked to the porch I waited till she was inside to pull off.

Maybe tonight I'll tell her.

*i sorry y'all, i gotta fight my whole city so updates coming slow* 🤣🤣

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