Chapter 1

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The news was shocking, like something out of People magazine. You either believe it, or you don't in this case. We believed it. Derek said his father was into some shady things before he left home. Not that Derek talked about his father much. But I was guessing he and his father hated each other. I would be right on the money. Derek had everyone on high alert. He even told Dwayne and Wesley both to guard my door at night. Wesley told him a month ago, when he found the note, this was about Derek, no one else. But Derek wasn't taking any chances. And I knew he was right. Christmas came and went, and everyone was so worried we didn't celebrate it. We didn't even give gifts, but Derek had given me a promise ring, a token of his love for me. It seemed silly, considering his dad wanted us dead. I learned his dad's name was Damien. And he was part of Lee's group, though he hadn't worked a job for him in a while, by that meant years. But I also learned of his mother, Tracy, who remarried ten years ago to Walter Jones. He had served five years and then transferred to the Navy for five years but was injured and dismissed from duty. But Tracy had money, probably from all those shady jobs Damien took while they were married.

When I opened the door, Dwayne and Wesley were in the hall at their posts. Wes was on the phone, not being too loud. Dwayne had grown on me, though. He reminded me of Kasey but nicer. He waves at me when he sees me. Derek must've been in his office again. This was the third night he didn't come to bed. I wave at Dwayne.

"I am starving. Did the chef fix anything, or is Derek not throwing food orders around," I joke, walking out. Dwayne chuckles. Faith stepped behind me.

"Hello Faith," He said, "Derek told them to wait until we are certain no one will poison you or your sisters, but Dani has been posted down there; I can take you."

"Sure, what would I do without you," I laughed. He chuckles, walking before me; Wesley notices us leaving and follows behind. Faith walks beside me.

"You would starve, Addison, you would starve," He said, shaking his head. I liked him.

We talked more than me and Derek these days, and Derek says he was one of the oldest members of his team. He had been with him for nine years. He trusted him more than anyone because he had always done his job and barely spoke a word to anyone else. He didn't have a family. But we considered him family. When we reached the kitchen, Dani turned, and Dwayne stood at the door, his back facing me. Since those two men broke in, they watched the kitchen and wore thicker vests.

Dani was cooking; it already looked like grilled cheese and vegetable soup. It smelled amazing. If she didn't mind, I'll grab a bite, too. But before I ask, She hands me a bowl and a plate. She knew I was hungry. Wesley was still on the Phone. They were calling for more Security. He and Derek were working overtime to keep us safe. Dani was taking a small break to eat. I didn't blame her; I was starving too.

"Derek is still working, huh?"

"Yeah, you know Dani, I don't see him much. My only friend is Dwayne, and I like listening to the guy," I say as he turns his head a little.

"The feeling is mutual," He says. Dani smirks, trying not to laugh. I ate her soup, and it was very delicious. It filled my stomach. I hadn't eaten since ten in the morning because Derek didn't want the chef cooking until he knew he could trust someone.

After eating, Dwayne led me back upstairs, where I ran into Noah. He and Chloe were not seeing eye to eye, which wasn't shocking. It had been a month since we had a break, and we were all on high alert. I look at Dwayne, who sympathizes with me, and I look back to Noah and Chloe. Noah didn't want her going out late at night to roam because she could be killed, and Chloe said she would be fine; she said she could take Dani. He still didn't like it. He notices me and looks to me for help.

Locked once more(Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora