15. Jealousy

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"Wake up! Wake up. Grab a brush and put on a little make-up!" Mikasa sings out loud, putting on some foundation. I giggle at her little outburst while Hanji stares, confused.

"You like System of a Down, Mikasa?" Annie asks, amazed. My best friend nods proudly. "Wow, I didn't take you to be a fan."

Hanji stands there, awkwardly. "What's a system of a down? Is that some advanced science of the future?" I shake my head.

"It's a band," Miki answers. "Do you not know them?"

"I'm from my present, which is the past for you guys!" Hanji exclaims.

I thought they were from our time. "And you're telling us this now? Now I feel bad. You must have felt left out when we would sing songs from the 2010s or something!"

Hanji chuckles and comes to sit down next to me. "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, Y/N! Who are you letting whisk you away under the stars tonight? Will it be your man of the future or this cranky man of an Ackerman?" They ask cunningly.

The door opens.

"I heard that," Levi's head pops in for a second before Annie shuts it and replies, "Women's moment right now!"

I swear his eyes connected with mine for the second he was in, as well as a very tiny smile directed at me. It makes me think about last night, where he was a bit open with me.

Almost as if he's finally allowing me in.

"Guess I'll leave too," Hanji starts to get up.

I grab their wrist and sit them down. "Oh no, you don't!" The brunette looks over at me and smiles. Their hands move to grab the makeup products lying on the bed.

"Alright, alright, sweet girl. Let's get the makeup going so you can have all the men swooning at your feet tonight!"


After everyone was done applying their makeup, changing outfits, and doing last-minute touches, I sneaked away to find Levi's room. I knock quietly, calling for him in a whisper. Receiving no response, I return to my room.

"Hey, where's Levi?" I ask.

Mikasa shrugs, she could care less. Annie doesn't react. Hanji sighs. "Oh, Levi. How things never change. He's already ahead of us, probably speaking to Erwin."

I raise a brow. "The blonde guy with the big, bushy eyebrows?"

Hanji nods hyperactively. "That's him! Erwin is really nice. I like him!"

I hum in response while Mikasa cackles in laughter. "In what way, Hanji?"

Their face goes red. "I think you can guess it, alright! I can't believe he's hopping time too! Well, now I have a dance partner until this journey ends!"

There is a knocking heard at the door, and we take it as a sign of our driver being here. It's time to get out of 1957.

A teal muscle car pulled up, and all of us squeal in excitement. For some reason, tonight felt like a good night. Hope was high, spirits were on fire, and the vibes were immaculate.

Everyone had dressed up for the occasion. I was wearing a small white dress, swing style. The skirt was billowy and flown, with the top sleeves being slightly puffy. I coordinated some maroon pumps with the dress, with a purse that mat matched the heels.

I never go out of style.

For once, dancing seemed so fun. Maybe it was because of the experience back in Hanji's time, or the fact that this was the night that we were finally going to jump time. We were stuck in '57 for way too long.

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