2. Commence

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"So you take a step back and now I dip you." Fixing my position, I dip one of the dancers of the school as a final touch. We part ways as I start saying goodbye to the members. Turning around, I walk up to my uncle.

"Today was successful, Kenny. We are keeping the art of dance alive," I wait for my uncle's response but he doesn't speak. I clear my throat. "Old man? Is everything okay? Got shit in your mouth?

He sighs and then looks straight into my eyes as he stands up from her seat. His eyes pierce the grey eyes of mine as he messes with my hair. "Levi, you little shithead... I think it's time to move on!"

Shoving away his crusty hand, I raise a brow at him as I glare at him. "Tch. What? No, there's no way. We're doing good. What's going on in that little head of yours, Kenny?" What is this shitty old man thinking?

"Kid, we are entering the midpoint of the 1980s! Isn't it time for us to break out with something new, something to define this era before us?" The old man shoots back at me.

I step away from him. "But we are popular in the area, Kenny. How could you be so dense? Is it just because Pixis opened up his own dance studio after the conflict?"

He glared at me, angry and fuming. "Levi cut with the nonsense!"

"Tch, no, absolutely not, you piece of shit," I grab my black trench coat.

"Where do you think you're going, mister?" He quizzes.

I roll my eyes. "Far from this hell."

"Levi, if you step out of this studio, I swear on my future grave I will kick your ass and-," I walk outside and shut the door behind me, hopping onto my 76 BMW R90S motorcycle and driving off to the night.

It was starting to become a daily issue with the dance club and Kenny. Dance and music are the one thing keeping me going, and I enjoyed what I taught. Sure, I may be young, 24 to be precise, but Kenny has been begging me to become some businessman. The dense man does not get that I am one! My company is my dance place and that's final.

"Hey, is that Levi? Levi! Wait up!"

Speeding off to the night and ignoring the shitty brat that was calling out to me, there wasn't much to do. If there was an argument, it either ended up with me crashing at a friend's flat, drinking, or a simple hookup. I barely had time for dating, let alone anything else.

At the corner of my eyes, I see the beautiful full moon on a clear night. I look for some sort of place to hang out for the night. Tonight, I wasn't in the mood to do the usual. For some reason, something else was calling to me.

I settled down on a big rock on a field that was near the via. The night was that of the summer heat with the occasional breeze. I lay down and looked at the sky, looking at the dazzling stars, miles away.

I catch sight of an... airplane? Batman? I squint my eyes and then I see it!

"A shooting star to appear on a shitty night." I sit up and pull out my lighter, along with a cigarette. Lighting it up and taking a drag, I look at the star going by. There was something off about it though...

The direction of it was weird as it wasn't going across the sky, but instead...

"Oh shit!" The power of paralyzation shoots throughout my entire body as I cannot get up. Frozen in the summer heat. Here I die, Levi Ackerman.

I hold onto myself as the star comes closer to me. In only a matter of seconds, I went into a world of complete blankness.

Standing around confused, I call out for someone. "Hello? Anyone in there?"

No one responds to me. Huh. I would be asking where was I in but now, I just want to find my way out of this shitty place. Beginning to walk, I hear a voice from somewhere.

"In here!" I look around but there is no one. But don't let one of your senses fool you. Using my excellent hearing skills, I walk toward the direction the comment came from.

After a while of walking, I was just going to give up and just let my body go to the afterlife or whatever. I mean, didn't I just die by a shooting star? This might be the afterlife itself. It wasn't fair. I didn't get to say my wish or finish my cigarette.

These events are the worst and so not cool for me. Luckily, I spotted something off about the place I was in.

There was darkness in the light. I ran towards it with my all and the darkness grew bigger as I got closer to it. The moment I got into the darkness, I spied a door. I place my hand on the doorknob.

"Stupid! Don't open the door!"

"Huh?" I turn around and see no one before something touches my cheek. I look at my shoulder and I see a young version of me in a devil outfit, complete with horns.

This is weirder than that brat, Hanji.

"Yeah, you! That's hell right there, young man. Little Levi isn't gonna let you burn for eternity. Might as well completely die here somehow with no torture." He starts jumping around in an outraged manner, poking his small fingers into my neck.

"Don't listen to him. Go in the door, maybe heaven is there. Maybe you can go home, your true place!" I turn to my other side and see a little me with wings and a halo, dressed in white and glowing.

"Tch. Brats. First, don't call me stupid. I'll step on midgets like you. Second, where the hell am I?" I growl. Angel Levi shrugs but points at the door.

"All I suggest is enter the door. You never know."

Devil Levi jumps on my shoulder. "You're going to let me burn, really? How could you?!"

I roll my eyes and with my index finger, I flick him off my shoulder as he screamed while he fell. I open the door and walk into the glowing light in front of me.

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