10. Field Guard

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That happened to be today.

At yesterday's meal, Levi suddenly disappeared. I haven't seen him since.

Wiping the sweat off of my forehead, I continued to water the crops. The sun was burning, and Annie has entrusted me to kill any pests that would ruin them. She and Mikasa went to the town square to buy meat for dinner, while Levi, Hanji, and I were to tend the house.

Of course, the man decided to clean off every spot in the house. Everyone, besides me, had their roles and were naturally accustomed. After all, with every jump, they have lived a lifetime.

Yesterday I went dress shopping with Mikasa, as she promised. We went to the town square and looked around for an outfit. She insisted that dancing in the farm clothes was not appropriate.

"Do you want to look like a slob in front of Levi?" She had asked in a teasing fashion.

After hurling comments back at her, she kept laughing as I yelled.

"Hanji is influencing you too much, Ackerman," I shot back. The crazed scientist was always onto me on shooting my shot with Levi.

It was hilarious. I'm pretty sure he just started to tolerate me, but I doubt he likes me like that. Either way, he seemed to hand over an olive branch to me willingly. Maybe he wanted to go back home as much as I did.

I got too lost in my train of thoughts that I heard screaming come from the house. The door opens suddenly, slamming against the wall. Standing there while panting was Hanji, who gave me an awkward smile in a frightened state. I raised an eyebrow before they pointed towards the cornfield.

Running loose was 3 chickens.

"Holy crap, Hanji!" I dropped the watering can and zoomed to the cornfields. As the crops were already tall, the chickens were nowhere in sight. I groaned and began searching everywhere.

I turned around to face my friend. "Well? Are you going to help me or what?"

"Right, right!" They rapidly came over to the fields and began hollering for the chickens.

We decided that being loud was not going to help us bring back the chicken to their pens, so we began to walk stealthily. I also told them to stop being loud, as they were probably scaring them off.

"What were you doing with them?" I whispered.

Hanji stays quiet for a moment before speaking. "I tried to inject them with a serum."

My eyes widen. "Why would you do that?"

"I was trying to mutate them to be even bigger! Imagine a 3-feet tall chicken, Y/N!"

I shake my head. "You're insane."

Annie is about to kill me if she ever finds out about this fiasco.

As soon as I blinked, a white figure sprint across the field. Bingo!

Hanji seemed to notice too, and pulls down their straw hat and attempts to blend in with the corn. As we get closer to the chicken quietly, they take out a rifle.

"What the hell are you doing? Where did you even get the rifle? You can't kill the chicken, Hanji!" I whisper-shouted.

"It's for dinner!"

"They're off limits! The others went to buy meat already. Did you not get the memo? Now put it away!" Sighing, Hanji puts the rifle down. I let out a sigh of relief.

"On 3, we grab that chicken, alright?" Hanji nods. I quietly move to the opposite side and position myself to reach the animal.

I count down loud enough so they can hear me. "Three!"

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