12. Reassurance

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"Hey, Y/N. Get up. I made you hot chocolate," Mikasa's soft voice flows in the room. "We're worried about you."

I swatted her hand away, exhausted. "Let me sleep in."

She chuckles and sits on the bed. I turn around in bed, ready to fall back asleep. I didn't want to deal with the morning sun and morning duties.

"You already did, silly."

Confused, I open an eye and look at her. I probably looked like shit. "What time is it?" I asked her.

She looks at her watch. "It's about to be 6 in the evening."

I bolted out of bed. "What? I slept in that long! You're kidding me, let me see!" I grab her wrist and to my surprise, it was about to be 6. I look outsider the window to see the sun preparing to set.

Annie was going to kill me.

"Annie let you sleep in the whole day. She heard you cry all night," Mikasa tells me sheepishly.

Embarrassed, my cheeks turned red. Sometimes I forget that other people were in the house, and that I wasn't in the comfort of my little room of the present.

Suddenly, my mood went from somewhat decent to sad. I spent the whole day sleeping, and did nothing to work on my dancing. I was the sole reason why we weren't jumping time.

And that's because I can't confront my problem, Levi Ackerman.

"Is she awake?" I hear the bedroom door creak, and a pair of eyes covered by glasses peaks in. Hange enters and gives me a sympathetic smile before taking a seat on my bed, next to Mikasa.

"As awake as I can be," I mumbled. I sigh and start to pace around the room.

"You know, you and Shorty need to get along. I discovered something, and you guys won't like it," Hange states.

I stop pacing and look at them. "Like what?"

They bite their lip before talking. "Yesterday, I was talking to Shorty. I tried to ask him what happened, but he brushed me away. I tried to bring up something, or more like someone, from his time and..." They take a deep breath. "He had no idea who I was talking about. He's forgotten."

My breathing halts, to the point I begin to choke and cough. "Y/N!" Mikasa grabs me before I fall on the floor in the middle of my coughing fit. She pats my back as Hange raises my arms above my head. The coughing stops and soon I sob.

"This is all my fault! I don't know what is wrong with me! Everyone is correct about me. I am a stubborn bitch, who can't accept change. Now look, I'm the reason why we are all going to forget life. I'm the reason why we are never going to reach home. I'm the problem. You all been nothing but nice to me, and stayed along with me to jump through time!" I choked out, tears spilling from my eyes. "You guys should just go back to your respective times. I'll manage somehow."

The thought of never getting to see my mother and Abuela again. It hurt so much. I wanted everyone to go home, and it wasn't fair that I was holding them back.

Mikasa, who was by my side, wrapped her arms around my torso. I allow myself to break down, as I felt safe around everyone present.

"Y/N, it's okay. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's difficult to adjust and what's more important is that you are at least trying. You just need to push yourself. You can't give up now," Hanji states. They wrap an arm around me.

"And we aren't going to be leaving you any time." A voice speaks from my door. We all look up and see it's Annie, giving us a genuine, small smiling. "We're your friends. It's the least we can do."

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