8. 1957

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"I swear, all she does is sleep. Hanji, may you please pass the bag of seeds?" The sounds of footsteps running were around me. Chickens were clucking in the background, and the sunlight was being allowed into the room.

"Tch. This place is filthier than ever. I can see all of the dust build-ups and go into Y/N's nose," someone comments.

A sneeze from me follows that comment. Finally, I open up my eyes and slowly sit up from bed. "Can you guys be any quieter than that? I had fun last night, and now I have to go to work. Talk about a bad morning..."

A loud laugh is heard across the room. I make eye contact with Hanji, who was wearing rubber boots, along with overalls, and a white shirt covered in mud. Right next to them was Levi, who had an annoyed look on his face as he inspected nothing on his finger.

Someone sits on the bed I'm on. "At least say good morning to Y/N. She's just waking up from a 3-day slumber," I take a look at Annie, who awkwardly pats my back. I rolled my eyes, ready to go back to bed.

"Hold up, I was asleep for 3 days?" There's no way! I was just finishing dancing with Levi, getting lectured by Mikasa, and dancing even more! What in the hell happened?

Frantically looking in the wardrobe for clothes, I no longer find just the cute dresses or shirtwaists that Mikasa had let me borrow. There were now overalls, newer dresses, skirts, capris, and blouses. On the side, there were men's clothes.

Quietly, I asked everyone in the room, "What year is it?"

"1957. We're on my grandparent's property, by the way," Annie answers.

1957? That means...

Hanji's hypothesis is correct! I excitedly squeal and jump around the room before giving a huge hug to the scientist, who replies with an "oof".

I look at Levi and thank him. "What for, brat?"

I give him a tiny smile. "For helping me. You didn't have to."

He stares at me before leaving the room. Mentally rolling my eyes, I pull away from Hanji and look at Mikasa, Annie, and Hanji. "So? What happened that night?"

Mikasa starts first. "After our conversation and your little heart opening up, you went dancing," I nod, as I do remember that. "Afterwards, you started to act a little funny."


"You just started to laugh out of nowhere and then you passed out. Luckily, Erwin caught you at the right time. We took you back to Mikasa's home and before we knew it, we all had passed out just like you. Although I'm from the past, I traveled with you guys! Isn't that awesome?" Hanji blurts out excitedly.

I clutch my head with my hands. "It's strange. How come everyone has an idea of life in this time? Do you guys get me? It's as if you all lived a lifetime here and know what is up. How am I not messing up the concept of time?" All the questions run out of my mouth. It was as if I had become Einstein or some other genius with questions.

"You talk too much," Levi speaks from the door. He walks over to me to hand me a plate with bread and a cup of coffee. "Not even Shitty-Glasses has the answers right now. Now eat. You have to clean." He says the last couple of works gently.

Annie grunts. "This is my house the last time I checked. Who gave you the right to give out orders?" Levi rolls his eyes.

"I swear he has something up his ass," I grumble.

"What was that, idiot?"

"Whatever," Not wanting to deal with Levi early in the morning, I ask Annie for a change of clothes. Mikasa goes back to feed the chickens outside while Hanji prepares an early lunch. The short man doesn't bicker back to me and goes to wipe every surface.

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