17. 1967

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enjoy this chapter ;3


"Well, shake it up, baby, now (Shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout (Twist and shout)
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, baby, now (Come on, baby)
Come on and work it on out (Work it on out)..."

The radio plays The Beatles. I had just recently woken up with the worst headache of my life. Groaning, I crawl on the floor and make my way to the Leonheart's kitchen.

"Oi, Shitty-Glasses, pass me the salt and- Brat? You're awake?"

I rub my eyes and look up. Eyes widen, Levi looks back down at me, while I let out a scream. He quickly covers my mouth with his hand, dropping the onions he's been cutting.

Footsteps come around and I'm suddenly being looked at by Hanji, Annie, and Mikasa. They all look at me in shock. Before I know it, Hanji is hugging the soul out of me.

"H-hey let go of me!" I yelp, squirming outside of their embrace.

Sobbing, they soothe my back. "Oh, Y/N! We thought you wouldn't wake up!"

"What? I was only knocked out for a couple of hours!"

I look at Annie who is shaking her head. "You're wrong."


Picking up the onions he dropped, Levi turns around and walks up to me. He stares at me for a second before talking. "You were out for nearly a month."

Hearing that, Mikasa shoves Hanji off of me and hugs me. She sobs. Slowly, I caress her back and whisper words of comfort. "I thought I lost you and started to blame myself for everything, Y/N."

I chuckle. "It's okay, Miki. It's not your fault."

After a while, we pull away. I clear my throat before talking again. "So... does anyone want to catch me up?"

I take a look around. I noticed that we were still in Annie's family's house, however things were different. A Christmas tree was set up, along with Christmas decorations all around and a fireplace was running. Mikasa was wearing an adorable floral babydoll dress, while Annie wore a white knitted sweater with blue jeans, and Hanji wore black slacks with a white button up.

I look at Levi up and down. He's still sporting the same haircut, the same stoic expression, but this time I finally saw him without a suit or formal wear in general. He wore a dark blue cashmere cardigan, underneath was a white button up, along with some black trousers. He looked so good.

I guess he saw that I was staring to hard because he snapped his finger and pointed at me to look at Hanji. I muttered a quick apology under my breath and tuned into Hanji's explanation.

"It's 1967, baby! We successfully hopped 10 years! The exact day is December 10, 1967. When we first got here, it was November 15. You've been in deep slumber for almost 25 days," Hanji comments.

Mikasa continues. "We traveled during the party. Something happened that was the trigger for the jump to happen. Levi has no idea what it is, considering when you guys were dancing, nothing happened. We need to figure that out."

Annie adds, "We also have assistance to figure out what's going on and how to find the quickest way to go home." As she says that, she gestures to someone in the living room to walk in.

His beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair reflect magically in the light. He gives me a warm and gentle smile. "Hi, Y/N."

I quickly run to him. "Armin! It's so nice to see you! What are you doing here? What happened to your hair? You're no longer a coconut! But the hair looks so good, who are you trying to impress?" I ramble.

Tempo || Levi Ackerman x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя