44.Memories.Pt. 2

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(jada's Pov)

Wesley and I are cuddled up together in his bed watching a cartoon on my phone. I checked the time on my phone. "Its getting late , I should go". I get up then I feel wesley tug on my arm.

"Stay." I smiled.


"Stay, we-we-we can bake!"

"Bake?"  Wesley nodded.

"But you hated it the last time we did it."

"I didnt hate it , I was just very bad at it."

"And you want to do it again?"

"I just really want you to stay" I straddled his lap and pecked his lips 

"Fine only for you."

Wesley and I are laughing heavily as he struggles to  open the baking mix. He opens the baking mix , spilling it everywhere. "Wesley!" I got on the floor to help him clean.  As we were gleaning I thought Of a fun Idea, I grabbed the cooking mix and threw it at Wesley.

'What was that for!" I threw some ore cooking mix at wesley.

"Fun" I giggled and I threw more at him. "So what's it not  like you're gonna do anything" I teased.


"You're gonna regret that." I slowly got up and started walking backwards. As wesley followed me

"Wesly you know I love you right." 

"Jada I swear i'm getting you back." Wesley picked up some baking mix and held it in his hand. I began running and Wesley chased me around the kitchen. We started laughing very hard.  Wesley tackled me on the floor. We continued to laugh  as Wesley hovered over me.  "I love you too." Wesley kissed me sticking his tongue in my mouth as I lightly moaned. He released his lips from mine. "But you know what?"

"What?" I giggled.

Wesley took the baking mix and threw it in my face, And I laughed so hard.

We finally got serious and put the cake in the oven. We were still a mess and so was the kitchen. As the cake was baking Wesley grabbed my waist and picked me up, sitting me on the counter. "Did you put the timer on ?"


"Wesley, I swear if that cake burns."

"You talk a lot" Wesley teased as he began kissing me. As we are kissing I hear the frnt door open.

"WESLEY!" Wesley and I both turn around,

"M-m-mom? You said you wouldnt be back til ten"

"Kitchen! Mess! You!" Ms. Petrov pointed to me.

"This has nothing to do with jada, this was all me! eto ne imeyet nichego obshchego s dzhadoy eto vse ya" Wesley translated in russian. His mom sighed heavily.

"Wesley dont- Its fine" I began to get a scrub and start wiping the counter"

"Chto ona yeshche zdes' delayet?" Wesley mom said
{what is she still doing here?}

"Mom she's helping me clean , ona pomogayet mne ubrat'

"No, go , go, I clean." Ms. Petrov took the clothes out of Wesley's and I's hand and we walked upstairs.

I started to get my things together so I could leave

"Please dont go."

"I have to, its late, plus your mom totally hates me."

"She doesnt hate you jada" I sighed, rolling my eyes. "She's like that to everyone , she's a little mad about the mess,but she just has a lot of struggle trusting new people ever since her and her family kind of fell off."

"Oh...so she doesnt hate you."

"No, jada she doesnt hate you" He said giving me a hug "Now can you please stay?" Wesley mumbled, his face nuzzling in my neck. I looked up at him.

"Yeah...Let me just let my mom know." I texted my mom and sat my stuff back down.

I came out of the bathroom dressed in Wesley's oversized T-shirt. I saw him sleeping peacefully as he lightly snored. I gently crawled up beside him and got in the covers turning off the light. I gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight wes." I close my eyes when all of a sudden I feel Wesley arm snake around my waist pulling me closer to his chest. He kissed my head

"Good night jada" He said in his sleepy voice

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