26.Missing. you.

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I've noticed that Jada has been avoiding me for weeks now she would wave to me in the hallways here and there but she just seemed more distant. 


I wanted to talk to her 

but I didnt know how to start 

so I didnt, 

School ended and I began to walk home when all of a sudden Oliva catch up to me. 

"Leave me alone" I said annoyed 

"Is that anyway to talk to your girlfriend." 

"I already to you, I'm not your boyfriend anymore it was stupid of me to even consider it."  

"Look here Wesley, I really need my popular status to go up and even if you dont like me we have to date so I'll ask nicely... Wesley will you please- " 

"No. I'm sorry." 


"Nobody is even going to care about popularity y the time we graduate why should you." I continued my walk home.  

"Wh-wait " I sighed then turned around. 


"What I made an agreement." 

"What agreement?" 

"If you go with me to this party as my plus one I promise to leave you alone for the rest of the time were in highschool." 

"Why cat you get someone else." 

"Because I am trying to impress these people so will you please agree and say yes?" 

I sighed. "Fine." 

If that mean she wont bother me anymore its a win win.  

"Ohhhh thank you wesy!" I rolled my eyes and continued to walk home. I stopped and stare at Jada's house. I decided to go see her. I knocked on the door Jada's mom opened it. 

"Yes? can I help you?" 


"You want to see jada." I nodded. "Shes upstairs." 

"T-thank you." 

"Mh hm." I walked upstairs and was about to knock on jada's door but it was already open so I decided to walk in. I closed the door and sat on her bed, Fiddling with stuff on her nightstand When all of a sudden I hear Jada's bathroom door open. 

"Wes?" I look up in complete shock. Shes in nothing. 

nothing but a towel. 

"Wesley what are you doing here." I try not to focus on her. 

but its too hard shes like a goddess 


"Y-yeah -um -I w-w-w-wanna-um....Your mom let me and um..... I..." 

"Wes is everything ok?" 

"Y-yeah its just I-I-um" I felt my erection grow. I groan. 


"Sorry" I rush out of her room closing the door panting finding the nearest bathroom. I rush down stairs to see Jada's mom. 

"Wesley? is everything alright." I quickly cover my front. 


"Oh um just around the corner."  I rush into the bathroom and quickly yank down my pants. 

"Theres only one way to solve this." I said to myself.

Then I began to stroke. I moaned. "Yes, yes that feels good" I whispered. " I imagined Jada was touching me the whole time. then the next thing I know white liquid spills from my tip as its all over my hands. "Gosh!" I mentally slap myself Then I remembered , Jadas probably worrying about me so I wash my hands slid up my pants and walked out. 

I'm instantly greeted to Jada's face. 


"H-hey" This time Jada's dressed in a bra with shorts. God she looks good. "I wanted to talk to you." 


We make it up to Jada's room. and we both sit down on her bed

"Whats up." 

"Well um I talked to Olivia today." She rolls her eyes. "And we made a deal." 

"What deal?" 

"If i go to a party with her as a date she'll leave me alone for the rest of highschool" 

"Not a bad deal" She laughed. I joined her. 

"So...your c-cool with this?" 

"Yeah, just dont kiss her." She laughed. but I just continued to stare at her. 

"Theres only one person I want to kiss right now." She looked at me in confusion. I came closer too her and captured her lips into mine. I dont know why i did it , it just felt right. and I missed jada, being around her. I slid my tongue in her mouth as I gently pushed her on the bed to deepened the kiss. I released my lips from hers to catch a breath and just admire her beauty. 

"Wesley... I dont understand." 

"I'm sorry I-I-just-" she kissed my lips again. "I miss you jada." she put one hand on my face and massaged my cheek and gave me a look of worry.  

"Wesley I-um I just need space to figure all this out." 

"Why cant you tell me whats wrong I'm worried about you." 

"I know its just-" 

We heard a knock on the door "Wesley your mom called she wants you back home." Jada's mom said through the door. 

"I should go." 

"Wesley wait!" Jada sighed.  She grabbed my face and kissed me again slipping her tongue in. she slowly released her lips from mine. I slightly went back in pecking her lips. "I really like you but I just cant let you get hurt-" she whispered

"Jada wha-" 

The door knocked again. "Wesley Your mom wants you home." I looked at her in sorrow. 

"I have to go." I kissed her forehead and slowly got up and went home. 

sorry for any typos :/


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