20. Lies, Lies, Lies. pt. 1

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"Hey what happened to you yesterday you said you were going to the prep rally" 

"Oh I was helping my grandma fix her computer". 

"Doesn't your grandmother live in Jamaica". 

"It was over the phone". 

"Hmmm... Jada are you lying to me." 

"Of course not Kaycee your my bestfriend I would never lie to you." 

"No its just you've been acting really suspicious ever since last week." 

"Oh yeah I've just been feeling a little stressed with school thats all." 

"Oh.... Ok! well let me know if you need anything.. I have to get to next period." 


"Okay bye". 


The hallways cleared as the bell rang. 

I opened the door to an empty classroom that nobody uses anymore, to meet Wesley. 

I sat in a chair waiting for him. 

And I waited 

And waited 

And waited 

Til finally he opened the door. 

"Wesley!" I said jumping into his arms. "Why were you so late?" 


"Oh, Right .. her." 

"Why don't you just break up with her." I whined 

"I know , I know I really want to but-" 

"No , it's okay." I sighed as we sat in silence. He looked at me and I looked at him. I leaned in and kissed him. "Do you wanna come over today, we can bake cookies and watch  netflix'. 

"But I don't know how to bake'. 

I giggled. "That's whats makes it fun." 

"Okay but if your kitchen catches on fire , I'm blaming you." 

I laughed. 

Wesley leaned in as of he was gonna kiss me but as soon as he could the bell rang. 

"Well I have to get to class I'll see you at my house at 5:00" I said pecking his lips. 

He blushed. 

"Oh oh okay" Before I could leave he stopped me. "J-Jada!" 


He stepped closer to me. 

"Can I give you a real kiss-" All of a sudden I'm kissing him hard and passionate 

He kisses back as his fingers caress my chin. We both released from the kiss looking at each other. 

"Thank you for that"  He said awkwardly folding his hands in his pocket. 

I smiled. 

"Bye wesley". I said as I pecked his cheek. 

Little did I know we weren't the only ones in there.

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