38. Awkward. Tension.

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"So Justin and I our having a pool party this weekend, you gonna be there?"  Kaycee asked as I walked into my office. 

"I dont know arent we too old for that kind of stuff"

"Please ,wesley your never too old to get wet" She winked at me playfully 

"Your gross" I chuckled. 

"Oh come on please!" 

"I dont know I'm very busy and-" 

"And you need a break. plus Jada's gonna be there..." 

"Fine I'll go and not because Jada's going, because like you said I deserve a break, I'll just let jenna know-" 

"Um no no no I said you could come, I didnt invite Jenna." 

"You two still not friends." 

"I told you Wesley she gives off bad vibes." 

"Kaycee! you cant just come in and talk about my girlfriend like that" 

"Your right I'm sorry, but she's still not invited." Jada walks in my office holding some coffee she leaves on on my desk 

"Good morning Mr. Petrov, Hey Kace." Kace and her give each other a hug "So what yall talking about."

"Justin and I's big pool party this weekend." 

"Ohh yeah about that I can't come." 

"Why not?!" I blurted Jada and Kaycee looked over at me with shock "Sorry I mean-" 

"Yeah Why not?" Kaycee cut me off 


"Because why? just say it" Kaycee encouraged 

"I have a date that day." My heart sank I didnt want to admit it but imagining her with another guy started to bother me I  hid it well though and smiled. 

"A date , huh!?" I said.

"Yeah... a date...." She said awkwardly.  

"With who? " Kaycee asked. 

Jada glanced at me nervously for a second. 

"Kaycee I dint think thats really import-" 

"Oh my god! just tell me!" Kaycee groaned I think she failed to realize that Jada and I had some very awkward tension in the air 

"Okay... so you know that guy tony right?" 

"The mail guy!?" 

"Yeah i bumped into him on my way here, we had a great conversation and he wants to get dinner saturday night." 

"Omg Jay thats great!" 

"Yup!" Jada said awkwardly 

There was an awkward silence til I thought of the best idea. 

"Why dont you just bring your date to the pool party!" I said with a little too much excitement. 

"I dont know...." During this conversation Ive noticed Jada havent been giving full eye contact like I wanted her too I wanted to stare into her beautiful eyes and read her face, she would only glance at me here and there. 

"Yes! that's a great Idea Wesley!" Kaycee exclaimed . 

"I'll think about it Jada said walking back to her office."  

Kaycee turned over to me "You want a relationship with her." 

"I'm already in a rel-" 

"It doesnt matter which kind of relationship Wesley! I know you miss her and if you want to get her back in your life you gotta fight for it, there's millions of jobs around the world wesley dont think shes gonna stay at this one for the rest of her life, so do something." Kaycee took my coffee and walked out that door. 

"Hey that was my-" I brushed it off and began to think about what Kaycee said maybe she was right maybe I do need to try harder to get out the tension between her and I .


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