29.The. Truth.

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It was the end of the day and I decided to walk home on my way back I saw Kaycee across he street . If anyone knows anything it has to be her. I walked across from her. She looked back at me and started walking faster. I picked up the pace a bit too. 

I finally caught u to her and stopped her. 

"What?" She said rudely 

"I need to talk to you." 

"Jada wont like this plus I have somewhere to be..." 

"I'm just worried....about jada, why was she so mad at e today."  

Kaycee sighed and gave me a look of worry. 

"Look I'm sorry jada wouldnt want me-" 

"Please Kaycee tell me whats wrong with her, I really like jada I never liked a girl like her before and I cant loose her." 

Kaycee sighed deeply and took a minute to think.  

"Look Jada and Ivan had some bad history together a couple years back, I know she lashed out on you and that wasn't fair but Ivan brings back some triggering memories to her." 

"How triggering?" 

"Lets just say Ivan did something really bad to her that was unforgiving and because olivia's such a jealous bitch she made sure Ivan came back just to ruin jada." 

"Wait but-" 

"Wesley I have to go but please just keep this between you and I." 

I nodded in understanding 

Kaycee left off but I couldnt hep but wonder what did Ivan exactly do to Jada.

Hey I know this was a short chapter but yeah just thought I would update !

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