19. Girlfriend.

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I have a girlfriend 

I have a girlfriend ?

I have two girlfriends 

I have two girlfriends ?

Okay not including Olivia 

Which means 

I have a girlfriend 

I have  a girlfriend? 

Jada and I have been hanging out for a couple of days ever since our little kiss sess 

I never thought this day would come 

I mean how could a beautiful girl like her go for a guy like me-



"Did you hear me." 

"Oh uh sorry what did you say?" Jada and I were sitting on the roof of her house looking at the stars. We have been sitting on the roof most of the day talking 

"Am I your girlfriend?" 

"I-" I didn't know how to answer that. "Ummm.... I -D-d-d-do you want to be?" 

"Of course I do , do you want to be my boyfriend?" I nodded, then I started feeling sweaty again and my face started to heat up. 



"Stop being so nervous kay?.. your doing everything right. Your a great guy". She said moving closer to me putting my arms around her. "I really like you there's nothing to be nervous about." 

"There is when your near a pretty girl like you" I said under my breathe hoping she didn't hear that. She looked up from my chest and smiled. Then she grabbed my face and kissed me I held her waist and kissed her back . 

"You'll get better at this boyfriend girlfriend stuff , I'll help you." I nodded as she went back into my arms 

it felt nice to hold someone and cuddle them. 

"Look its the big dipper." 

"That is not the big dipper". 

"Yes it is ! " she said laughing 

"That's Osiris". I said laughing. 

"It is not!" We both started laughing "I like it when you smile Wesley." I blushed no one has ever said that to me before. 

"I like you smile too" 
"Can I kiss you?" 

She nodded as I leaned down to kissed her it was a nice slow kiss. 

"Your a good kisser", She chuckled. 


I came inside Knowing it was late.

"Where were you?"


"You were out with that girl again weren't you?" 


"I never thought I deal with this." 

"Mom Jada's a good person." 

"Ehhh I don't trust her," 

"You don't trust anyone." 

"No back talk , bed now!" 

I ran upstairs and shut the door I opened my curtains to see Jada in her room I waved and she waved. I opened my window and she opened hers. 

"I just wanted to say goodnight." 

"You already did." 

"I know." 

She chuckled.  "Oh just call me." 

"I don't have a phone," 


"My moms too overprotective." 

"Oh. "
"Why not just ask her to buy you one," 

"I don't know my mom doesn't trust anyone or me." 

"She hates me." 

"No she's like that to everyone when she first meets them, I mean if she hated you she would have never offered for you to stay over," 

"So what are you gonna do about Olivia." 

I sighed 

"I don't know. She basically black mailed me into dating her,." 

"God she such a bitch!" 

I chuckled. 


"So I guess we to keep it on the DL." 

"T-the what?" 

"DL? Down low? Secret?" 


She laughed "You're too cute."

I blushed. 

"Goodnight Wesley." 

"Goodnight Jada."  

I plopped down on my bed and let out a sigh, and started to think about Jada. 

All of a sudden I'm touching myself thinking about her. 

I've never did something like this before. 

I felt myself drip with cum as I moaned her name. 

God, she so pretty 

A women has never made me feel or do the things I did before.

I have a girlfriend 

Some one who I can cuddle with and tell everything to  She's the one person I can talk to 

She makes me feel special 

Some who makes me laugh

And I get these weird knots in my stomach every time I'm around her. 

I really , really like her. 

I have a girlfriend.

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