Chapter 38 - A Face Seen Before

Start from the beginning

"Ivan!" The leader called to him, "we don't have time to stand about! We have strict orders!"

Ivan quickly turned to the leader, saying nothing but nodding his head and rejoining the group. Milena leaned back into the shadow of the shop, just barely peeking her head out to see the group as they continued to walk along the alley and eventually out of sight.

She wanted nothing more than to unlock that door and follow after them, but she was by herself and there were four of them. She just wanted to know what the hell Ivan of all people was doing in London and with some of the creepiest men she'd ever seen.

She backed away from the door and turned out the last of the lights in the shop, hurrying up the stairs and into the flat where Fred and George were chatting at the kitchen table. Both of their heads turned to Milena when she slammed the door shut a little harder than she had meant to.

"Jeez Mills," Fred gasped at the sudden noise. "You're gonna take the door off the hinges if you slam it any harder."

"I just saw Ivan outside." Milena blurted out, completely disregarding Fred's comment. Though, he didn't seem to mind as he shot up from his seat.

"Ivan? Like Durmstrang Ivan?" Fred asked. Milena nodded her head.

"He was outside in the alley with a couple of other men who, if I didn't know any better, I would say weren't super friendly people." Milena panted as she caught her breath. "They all walked past the shop and as far as I'm aware, they didn't see me."

"But what the hell is Ivan doing in London?" Fred fumed as if just hearing Ivan's name had filled him with rage.

"Alright, calm down mate," George said to Fred who just huffed at him. "We don't even know why he's here. For all we know, he's just visiting someone he knows in London. We don't need to be completely irrational just yet."

"He's not allowed in the shop." Fred declared as he dropped himself back into his seat.

"Obviously not." George rolled his eyes.

"What do you think he's doing here anyways?" Milena asked as she sat down with them at the table.

George just shrugged.

"Probably heading down Knockturn Alley to get initiated in with the death eaters." Fred muttered.

The rest of the night was a quiet one with little disturbance outside. Milena had started growing more used to hearing a crash or bang outside at night, but it didn't become any easier when someone else would disappear. So, any night that was quiet was a good night. George had even suggested that maybe they should go to the Burrow and stay there when the shop was closed, but Fred insisted that for now, they were fine.

In the shop, the next morning, the crowds had died down as most of their customers had now left for school. People still liked to stop in and take a look around and they were still receiving orders by owl to replace the number of people who weren't able to be in the shop.

Milena was sitting by the front counter where she had brought a little radio that sat behind her to play some music when the store was getting a little quieter. She was sorting through some receipts and some of the finished orders that had been sent in as she hummed along to the muggle music that played on the radio.

"Who's this one?" Fred asked as the song continued to play.

"Tears for Fears." Milena answered, sorting the last of the orders and still humming along.

"Ah, another weird muggle band name." Fred teased.

"I don't know, I think they're pretty good," George said as he passed by the two.

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