A little jealous

139 9 24

Previously on possessive:

I recognized my building immediately as he stopped in front of it. .

I took my bag and found some cash. I didn't know how much my shawarma cost but 20 dollars maybe?

Better pay too much than too little.

"What are you doing?"

"Paying you"

"I won't accept that"

"And I won't accept someone else paying for me"

"I don't care. Keep that money to yourself"

I put the money in the empty cup holder on the dashboard and he immediately took my hand and put the bill back in my palm. His hands were so big and weirdly enough hard like his job wasn't sitting in front of a computer but cutting stones in half.

I didn't like his touch, but I didn't say anything as I put the bill back on the cup holder with my other hand.

"Zahra do not start"

"I won't let you pay for me"

"It's just food, it's not a big deal" he said giving out a small laugh.

He had dimples omg help he did have dimples. His long eyelashes were naturally curled up and looked way better then my mascara coated ones. His lightly tanned skin looked golden with the help of the fancy glittery ceiling. His perfectly arched brows and sharp jawline decorated with a little subtle formed his face beautifully. He looked like a super model in perfume ads and with the dimples all visible looking indescribably pretty. He looked so handsome as he smiled looking at the food giving me a little peak of the silvery chain that peaked through and dangled as it excitedly saw the food with him. The light curls fell down too forcing me to look at his lips and perfectly shaped nose.

No, stop it Zahra these handsome rich men are way out of your league.

I threw the money at his lap and opened the car door and jumped out. Without looking back I ran to my apartment building as fast as I could before he had the time to react and before the rain could wet all my clothes.

Ahmed usually takes the money I give him after buying me food without complaining or even blinking. Maybe Mr. Awan is not that bad after all.

Zahras POV:

"Good morning" I said when the elevator door opened. He was wearing a navy blue suit pared with a white shirt and a matching blue tie that sat a little loosely on his neck.His hair was for once not styled and those rare curls was covering his forehead a little. He looked way better like this then with his hair gelled back.

"Good morning" he said taking the coffee cup on the table and taking a big gulp of that bitter coffee I couldn't understand someone would willingly drink.

"How are you" I asked as I sat down on the seat in front of him.

"I am fine and you?"

"I am okay, thank you for yesterday"

"No need to thank me" he said pulling out his laptop turning it on. He seemed like he was in a good mood today.

I flipped open my own Mac quickly getting engulfed in my work as my e-mail were packed with things to do.

It was finally lunch time and I was happy that he let me go in the normal lunch hour. Ahmed was waiting for me as usual and I was starving as my stomach clenched together in hunger waiting for it's first meal of the day.

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