The Elf And The Tiefling.. Pt. 2

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Another story I was told was of a Tiefling prince and an elven commoner... It went a bit like this...

"Mama, Mama, I'm cold" a little elven girl said looking towards her non-moving mother. Nudging and pushing her mother didn't help either, the little elven girl opened her mother's eye and waved to her.. she let go of her mothers eye lid and it closed again... the little girl saddened and tried poking her mother to wake up, "Mama.. Mama.. I'm cold..." she mumbles tears running from her eyes and her throat tightened. Her words and sentences begin to stutter, she didn't seem to understand her mother's situation...

Over in the distance sharpening a knife, an Changeling Assassin working for the Tiefling royalty observed the little girl. Preparing to end the little girl's suffering, a man interrupts him, his skin was a greyish purple and he had a set of horns and a tail, both the same colour, the horns were entangled each with a gold like chain, his tail was long and had a few gold rings pierced into it, his ears were elf like, pointed, but were more sharp and harsh, in his left ear was a gold hoop, his eyes glowed a hypnotic electric yellow, his hair was black with tints of purple it was long and draped to his shoulders, except for the section at the back which draped to his lower half and was placed in a pony tail by gold rings, two sections of his hair framed his face making him look a little more charming. His jaw was chiselled and strong, he wasn't exactly muscular but was just enough so that he didn't look like he had no muscle to him. He wore a thick, gold choker and a few gold necklaces accented with a beautiful Onyx. The male wore a jacket-like cloak which had a gold trim and shades of blue to compliment his greyish purple skin and made him seem a little more alive... the cloak draped just to his knees, just to one shoulder he had a gold epaulette. His abs were strong and looked softly chiselled. He also wore harem pants which were a deep blue, he wore nothing but Geta on his feet, the straps were golden and the rest was a soft wood. On his right hand he wore 3 thick gold bracelets and a claw like metal glove, in his left hand, his middle finger had the same claw like metal attached to him.

The man walks towards the little girl who slowly turns to see him after seeing his shadow, she looks at him for a moment as he gazes down upon her. He, to her, had no emotion, he seemed cold and unforgiving. She tried nudging her mother to wake up keeping her eyes on the man... eventually the tiefling bent down and went to reach out for the elven girl's wrist. The little girl screamed and ran off, the tiefling looked back at the Assassin who shrugged and went back to sharpening his knife. The tiefling raised an eyebrow and then deadpans, he stood up and follows the little girl. Walking faster than the girl running, the tiefling caught up as the little girl trips and falls, but instead of hitting the ground, the tiefling grabs her hands and swings her so she back on her feet, "Careful little one," he said in brash voice, he was only in 20's but he had such a rough voice. Besides the brashness of his voice there was a slither of warmth from him, the little girl went to run away again but the Tiefling saddened, "I'm sorry if I scare you... I- I don't know how to look less scary..." he says quietly as the elf girl tilted her head to the left slightly... "Uhm.." he thinks for a moment before holding up one finger and walking away before coming back with a soft bunny plush, the little girl hesitantly walks to him and takes the plush hugging it close to her chest, "Is that better?" he asks quietly again as to not scare her... she nods slightly as she notices his horns and hides her face in the bunny, "I know! do you like playing pretend?" he asks again as the little girl nods in the plush. He smiles and strokes her hair, "Pretend that I don't have horns or a tail, and I just have these pointy ears." he says as the girl looks at him, she hugs him as well as the plush, the man places his arms around her and stands picking her up, "Would you like to come with me?" he asks as the little girl points to her mother. The man sighs and shakes her head, "I don't think your mother can come my sweetheart, she's in a very deep sleep" he sugar coats to the little girl making sure she doesn't get upset. The girl, however, tears up and begins to cry, the tiefling, not knowing how to deal with this very well, tries to calm her down, he saddens slightly, "I'm really sorry, but I think your mummy will think it's best you come with me.." he reassures gently stroking the little girl gently and softly. The girls tears slowly disappear and the man smiles, "and as if by magic, the tears disappeared!" he says trying to make her laugh.

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