Rebuilding the Village

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Making a name for yourself is easy if you're the same race, however with our sorcerer who's sat on our bed hugging his knees almost in tears, "How come they're still so nice to me, they saw what happened to me?" Verece sighs, "I'm a monster, how co-" I sit next to him and kiss his cheek.

"Liar." I say stroking his soft hair, "you're not a monster, yes you're a tiefling, yes, you're kind of intimidating when you're power hungry, but you said it yourself, you can't control it. It just happens."

"I saw you shed a tear, I never mean to make anyone cry, let alone a girl." Verece says still guilt tripping himself and me.

"Don't be silly, ye- you made me shed a single tear, big deal. It doesnt stop me from feeling the same about you." I say resting myself on him, "get some sleep, we have a long journey ahead. collect bounties, retrieve items and scavenge for new- whatever you adventurers do." i giggle, "You can tell im just a stay-at-home Noble."

Verece smiles, "Have you really never been adventuring before?" he asks as I nod. He lets off a little laugh which I blush at, I smile as he cuddles with me in bed, "i'll teach you when we get up in the morning, you have some to learn, I would say you have a lot but that would make me sound like I'm teaching you to be a villain-" he hesitates, "not that I was portrayed as one-" I press a finger to his lips, "shush dear boy. I need sleep" I say as I fall asleep.

The night went smoothly until I had a nightmare.

The nightmare went something like this:

I looked around me and all there was, was darkness, It was cold and there was no light, I took a step forward and the flames of torches along a hallway lit themselves, I followed them to a grand throne...

Someone was sat in the throne guarded by skeletal guards, Verece stood by me with the group and just as we went to attack, the person on the throne pulled down their hood and made a deal with Verece that he'd get all the power he'd wish for if he joined them. Verece had said something like, "I can't let you almost die like that again Ashentai, I need this power."

I begged him to not do it but he couldnt hear me and Dracana also begged him, but verece didn't listen, we were on our knees crying for him to not do it but he wouldn't listen, he goes up to the person on the throne when he glances at me crying, something was whispered to him and he smiles menacingly, "You're right.. who need a team. All I need is the cleric so I can live longer."

I step back as he looks towards me a dark mist engulphing Verece before dissipating and revealing a darker version of him.

I woke.. It was morning and Verece looked at me concerned. I shook it off, keeping it to myself until I saw Dracana alone. I hastily got to her alone and told her my story as she saddened, I looked to Verece as she did too, currently he was laying a table. I explain to Dracana that Verece had told me he'd teach me how to be an Adventurer.

"Firstly,  get to your village and tell Sentry of that dream, make sure he's notified-" Dracana says before being cut off.

"Already done." I say, "I sent a note to Sentry, including the dream and everything else."

"Ahead of the game, I like it." Dracana replies, "He should send a-" A boy comes stumbling in, "message for Ashentai!" he calls as I walk over.

"That would be me, thank you little one" I hand him a few gold coins and he walks out happily, Verece walks over, "Whats with the message popular kid?" He asks

"Something that concerns you." I say.

"Then can I read it with you?" he asks. "If it's about me, then I should know. I told you, if there's a problem, you tell me. Just tell me if you don't trust me." 

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