Chapter 36 - ✓

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Shainna woke up early and prepared everything that she needed. Today is her photoshoot and she is never late, so just a few more touches and she's leaving.

The twins are still sleeping. So, they still don't know that she'll be leaving for work. She's actually worried that they'd look for her later especially that Angge will be leaving for work as well. However, she already told Eliza to call her as soon as possible if ever there would be problems regarding the twins.

She might try to tell Carmela to visit the kids later as well.

Just when she was about to go down, her phone suddenly rang. She picked it up without looking at the caller ID because she's sure as hell that it's Khate.

"Good morning, I'm just about to leave," She said as soon as she pressed the green button.

"You better get your ass here. Everything is ready, we're just waiting for you so we could start the shoot," The manager replied from the other line.

"Yeah, I'm going. I won't be late, don't worry," She chuckled. The woman already knows that she's never late yet still panics everytime as she'll runaway randomly.

"I just want to make sure, y'know. Okay, seeya later," Khate said and dropped the call before Shainna even had the chance to speak.

"This bitch never changed," She murmured and let out a soft chuckle. "Are you ready, lovey?" Angge asked. It turned out that she was just waiting for Shainna to get out of the room. So, they could leave together.

"Yeah, let's go."

And so they went towards the car hand in hand. Doing so makes them feel like they're lovesick teenagers, it always feels good.

"I actually thought a van would pick you up," Angge said when they were finally settled in the car. Shainna replied, "Khate wanted to send a van but I told her not to because I wanted to be with you." She just whispered the last part though.

"I heard it. Ah, my clingy Shinayah." Angge smiled from ear to ear as she intertwined her free hand with Shainna's. "Don't be too full of yourself, mmkay?"

"I won't, it just feels good every time. I mean whenever you're clingy, I get butterflies in my stomach. How'd you do that?"

"I feel the same, silly."

"By the way, won't you get in trouble if people see us together?" Angge asked worriedly. Shainna brought their hands up and kissed the back of Angge's before saying. "No one will see you, they have a strong security in the building. We'll be careful, my love." Shainna said and Angge nodded. Soon after, the latter drove off and hit the road.

While on the ride, the two talked about their plans for the evening. Angelica wants to take Shainna on a date but she fears that if they go out often, it could be dangerous for the latter's career. The two decided to just stay at home and watch movies with the girls.

"Lovey, should we enroll our babies to pre-school this year?" Angge suddenly asked. "Yes, they're already in the right age. Besides, I think school will improve their communication skills plus they'll be able to have friends. I just have one concern," Shainna said before heaving a sigh.

Angge looked at her worriedly and asked, "What is it?"

"My parents. I'm worried that my parents might suddenly take the kids from school without us knowing. I'm sure they know that I am here and with you. They might get the babies to control me. I know I am being paranoid but I can't help but to be scared."

"What you're feeling is valid, lovey. What they did to you got you traumatized. Besides, you're just worried for our babies but know that we're going to protect them as much as we could." Because it came from Angelica, she kind of felt a bit at ease. They're going to fight if they have to just to keep their babies safe and grow up happy.

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