Chapter 20 - ✓

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R18+ Read at your own risk.
Why does it feel so illegal to write this?
Sorry Gayle, sorry Angge,
sorry Mama Mary, sorry Papa Jesus.

"Isn't this dangerous? What if some sharks suddenly attack us? It's dark, how are we supposed to fight them if we can't see them?" Angge kept on asking consecutively

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Isn't this dangerous? What if some sharks suddenly attack us? It's dark, how are we supposed to fight them if we can't see them?" Angge kept on asking consecutively.

"You're being paranoid again. I have already done this a couple of times and I've never had an encounter with sharks. Look, I'm completely fine. You're just a coward," Gayle said and shook her head.

"Me? Coward? No way, I'm just worried about you. Fine," Angelica said and immediately took off her shirt. And jumped straight to the water, trying to prove to Gayle that she wasn't scared or something.

Shainna Gayle just let out an adorable snicker. She's already learning how to make Angge do what she wants.

"Alright, you're not a coward." She said and took off her shirt without a warning.

Angge gasped and immediately turn around, blushing. Shainna continued taking off every piece of cloth from her body. When she was totally naked, that's when she finally dipped her body into the warm seawater.

Angge felt the water move, so she knew that Shainna already joined her. She was still not facing the girl because she was scared to see the latter's body. She felt like it would be disrespectful so, she's avoiding it as much as she can.

However, while she was thinking, Shainna became naughty. She swam under the water towards Angge. When she was right in front of the taller girl, she finally came out of the water exclaiming, "Boooo!" which startled the latter.

"What the fuck!" Angge yelled and closed her eyes while clutching her chest.

"I thought you weren't scared," Shainna said and chuckled. When Angge realized that it was just Shainna, she opened her eyes and she was more stunned to see the girl's bare chest. She immediately turn around again as her heart went beating wildly.

"S-Shainna, why aren't you wearing anything in your upper b-body??" Angge asked while stuttering.

"What's skinny dipping if you have clothes?" Shainna said which made Angge realize that the other girl was totally naked.

"What? You're fully naked?" She asked, sounding as if she was horrified by that idea.

"Yes, what's wrong with that? Come on, we're both girls. You should get naked, too. It feels so nice, I'm telling you," Shainna said, trying to convince Angelica.

'Damn woman, she doesn't know what she's getting into.' Angge said in her thought and she prayed to all the saints and angels to keep temptation away from her.

"Nah uh, I like it better this way." She said and put her arms in front of her chest.

"Why are you turning your back on me?" She asked, half teasing Angge.

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