Chapter 30 - ✓

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"Omg, est-ce que ce sont les jumeaux??" Kei exclaimed as soon as her gaze landed on the two toddlers who were silently eating. She asked if the kids are the twins.

"Oui," Shainna replied which meant yes.

"Nadi, Ryi, introduce yourselves to Auntie Kei," Angge told the kids. Then the two looked at Kei and Nadi was the first one to speak.

"Bonjour tante Kei, I am Nadine Felicity Gegante," the little girl said and flashed her little smile which was very similar to Shainna's.

Then Ryi followed saying, "And I am Arsh Ryi Gegante. Dada calls me Ryi and my sister is Nadi."

"Oh, how adorable! I still can't believe that they're real. Look at them, they both look so much like you!" Kei said enthusiastically. She's dying to pinch their chubby cheeks but she's hesitant to do so because Angge or Shainna might get mad.

"Can you tone it down, you noisy avocado?" Ana said but she lowered her voice on the last part. However, Kei was still able to hear it.

So, she frowned and said, "Who are you calling avocado?"

"You," Ana answered nonchalantly.

"Don't you dare call me that! I'm not the same girl you knew from years ago," Kei said and gritted her teeth. Honestly, that silly nickname was giving her overwhelming nostalgia.

That's how Ana used to call her before because she used to like avocados.

"Wait, you guys should chill out," Judith said and patted Ana's shoulder.

Angge and Shainna just looked at each other meaningfully and grinned. Then, Shainna cleared her throat and said, "Okay, okay, that's enough. By the way, we're going out today. Kei, you can stay here for a while and you know, you can settle things between you and uhm Ana."

"What? Why the f would I stay in a place with her? I can't even stand seeing her right now."

"Hey, you might be forgetting that you used to tell me that I was the prettiest," Ana grinned. Actually, what Kei said kind of hit her heart like a bullet. It only shows how much the latter still hates her after what she did years ago.

"Ohhhh." That was Judith.

"T-that was before! I had poor eyesight back then!"

"Uh, excuse us. Jhane, take Ryi and I'll take Nadi. Let's go, kids shouldn't be exposed to people arguing." Shainna said as she picked up one of the little girls. Angge on the other hand, did as she was told.

They took the twins to the room upstairs, leaving the ex-lovers still arguing. Meanwhile, Judith just watched them as if she was watching a movie.

"Where do you want us to go?" Angge asked.

"How about we go to the mall? I wanna experience buying them stuff and seeing them having fun in a playhouse, something like that," Shainna said. She did buy things for her babies when she was still pregnant but they never got to wear those though. And that's sad.

"Sounds good to me. How about you, Nadi, Ryi, do you like Mama's idea?" Angge asked the two girls who were hugging their mother like little koalas.

"Hmmm, good!"


They said.

"It's time for a bath then," Angge said and tried to pick the twins up but Shainna said, "No lovey, let me do it today. I mean, I want to be the one to bathe them. You know, when I thought my baby really died, I have been dreaming that I was able to care for her and do things a mother should but it always broke my heart whenever reality hits me hard that she was gone. But oh God, I'm so grateful that it wasn't only a she but them. My baby who I thought was gone, are actually twins and are so alive. So, allow me to play my role as their mother," Shainna said emotionally which made Angge's heart ache.

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