Chapter 2 - ✓

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It was already seven in the evening when they decided to call it a day. Angelica's friends began to leave one after another.

It's been a lot of months since she last drank alcohol, so she naturally got drunk this time. It was as if it was her first time again. So, she was left there, slumped against her couch. Good thing she didn't throw up because if she did, it would've been a huge mess.

After three hours, Ryan woke her up to eat her dinner. The man was instructed by her mother to take care of her. So, it includes cooking food for her. In other words, he does overall.

Angelica got up groggily. Although she didn't want to wake up, she had no choice. She doesn't want to waste Ryan's efforts. Maybe she should also hire a housemaid some other time. She can't just let the man do everything for her.

"Miss Angelica, I cooked you some soup. It will help you sober up and prevent a hangover," the man explained.

"Thank you,"she said and smiled before she gobble up her food.

"Oh, by the way, have you eaten already, Ryan?" She asked as she look at the person in front of her.

"Yeah, don't worry about me. I ate after I cooked your food," he replied.


"Do you need anything, Miss?" He asked.

"No, I can handle myself. Besides, your soup seems to be working. You can go now." She said.

She continued eating peacefully. While doing so, she realized that she haven't had a tour in her house since she got there this morning. She have only been to her room, the living room and now, her kitchen.

Her condo isn't actually huge, but it's already spacious for one person. If she'll be honest, she do feel sad at times when she was alone there but she loves being independent more.

When she finished eating, she washed her plates. She don't want to bother Ryan anymore. The poor man had done so much for her today already. Actually, she feels like it isn't necessary for him to be there because she can handle herself already.

I mean, in the span of nine months, she already recovered a lot. That is thanks to her mom.

She also got back to working out already to regain her strength completely. Plus, she knows how to cook basic foods and to clean her house. In other words, she don't really need to have someone to take care of her. However, she followed what her mom wants, just to give the latter a peace of mind.

When she was done, she toured inside her condo, hoping she'll find some clues related to her lost memories. She rummaged through her drawers and cabinets but she found nothing that seems of importance. She went and checked every corner of her room but she also failed. The next thing she raided was the guestroom. Maybe she'll remember if she brought a woman inside. However, just like the rest of the place, nothing seems to be suspicious or odd. Everything was just how she remembered it was when she left.

Maybe, those lost memories are all made in Palawan. What if she go back to Palawan? Nah, she don't even know where exactly she went.

When she had an accident, she was on the way home. So, none of her friends and family knows where she's been to and what she did. They also didn't give much thought about it because for them, what's important is that Angelica was alive.

"This is kind of frustrating!" She exclaimed and let her body fall into her bed.

Maybe, she's not supposed to remember it that's why it's been so hard for her.

She actually don't want to force herself because everytime she tries, she end up like this, frustrated. However, there's something inside her telling her that she shouldn't just let go of those memories.

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