Chapter 29 - ✓

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Shainna woke up with a smile on her face. The first thing she did was to give each of her girls some kisses. Of course, she also kissed Angelica but it was on the lips which made the latter hum and open her eyes. Angge smiled as soon as she saw Shainna's mesmerizing beauty. What a great way to start the day. Both of them still feel like everything is surreal.

"Good morning," Shainna greeted.

"Good morning to you too, lovey," Angge caressed her girl's cheeks. She was about to kiss Shainna again when they heard Nadi groan and murmur, "Mama..."

"She must be dreaming about you," Angge said and they giggled. Shainna went to her daughter and gently tapped the kid's cheek while saying, "Wake up baby, mama is here."

The little girl slowly opened her doe eyes and paused for a while as if she was trying to determine whether the person in front of her is real or just a product of her dream but as soon as she realized that it was really her mother, she instantly buried her face on Shainna's chest.

"Good morning, my baby Nadi," Shainna said and kissed the top of the little girl's head.

"Good morning Mama," the girl mumbled.

"How about Dada?" Angge asked, pretending that she was upset. Nadi looked at her Dada and cheerfully said, "Oh, good morning to you too, Dada."

Just a few seconds later, Ryi also woke up from her sweet slumber. She stretched her arms and opened her eyes before calling out to her mama.

"I'm not used to hearing that you're the first person they are looking for the moment they wake up," Angge said and pouted playfully.

Shainna was about to kiss those pouted lips but they heard their daughters say, "No kissing!" and "Not good for babies." The two of them just chuckled and kissed their kids instead.

Shainna has never felt this happy and complete in her entire life. It's making her emotional again. So, before her tears fall down, Angge hugged her and the twins did the same. They told each and everyone how much they love each other.

Shainna helped Karla to cook for their family. And Eliza also joined them. Angge already introduced the maids to Shainna which is why she's already a little comfortable being with them. They're both nice anyway. Also, while they were in the kitchen, she kept on thanking the two women for helping Angge raise the kids. She won't know how she'd express how much she's grateful to them. They played a huge role in making the kids grow up healthy, smart, and happy.

When they finished cooking, she suddenly realized that she haven't told Kei and Khate her whereabouts. They might even be thinking that she's still in Palawan. So, she called Kei while the maids were still preparing the food on the table.

"Hello?" Shainna said as soon as someone picked up the call from the other line.

"Hey, you called. Are you coming back to Manila already?" Kei asked because Shainna told her that the latter will call when she's going back so that there will be someone to pick her up.

"Uh actually, I called to tell you that I already got back yesterday," Shainna said.

"How? Why didn't you call? I should've sent someone to pick you up."

"Don't worry, I met someone and we went back together. Actually, I'm staying in her house right now." Shainna was smiling as she say that.

Kei got curious because there are only a few people that Shainna trusted in the Philippines. So, who could it be? To find out, she asked, "Who is it? Is that person trustworthy?"

"It's Jhane. Kei, I finally met her again. To be honest, everything still feels so surreal. I can't explain how happy I am," she said enthusiastically and it warmed her friend's heart.

Dada | Anggayle Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora