Chapter 26 - ✓

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It was Saturday when Angelica, for the second time, decided to go to Palawan out of impulse. It's just that she had been missing Shainna since the day she remembered everything. And she'd been wanting to go back to the cabin because she knows that it is where she'd feel like Shainna is nearest to her.

She wanted to take the twins with her because she know they'd like it there but it might be dangerous for them. So, she decided to just leave them under the care of their nannies. Maybe, she'd take them there when they grow older. Before that, she'll enroll them in swimming class first. So, they'll know how to survive in case of emergencies.

Also, when they turn four, she's planning to sign them into a taekwondo class but only if they are interested to do so. It's actually a good thing to teach them some skills while they are young because they'll learn faster and develop discipline at the early stage of their lives.

Going back, Angge was currently heading to the island with a speed boat that she rented from a shop nearby. She missed doing it, driving through the water. But she missed riding with Shainna more. The woman would hug her waist tightly whenever the speed boat would bounce and she loves the warm feeling it was giving her.

Aigoo, Shainna, things would be nicer if they are together.

After a couple of minutes, Angge finally arrived to the island. She secured the speed boat first before heading inside the cabin. When she got there, it wasn't even locked. But what surprised her was how messy the inside was. Some things were scattered around. There are a lot of dust and cobwebs everywhere.

"This place used to be beautiful. What happened?" She mumbled underneath her breath before heaving a sigh of despondency. Nevertheless, it still brought her waves of nostalgia. As she look around, memories were vivid in her mind as if she didn't forget them for years.

"Shinayah, Shinayah, Shinayah, how wonderful life was when it was only you and me," She muttered as she walk further inside.

She decided to just clean up the whole cabin. She started by getting rid of the cobwebs from the ceiling and everywhere and also the dust that almost made her choke. She swept the floor, changed seat covers and bedsheets, washed the dusty plates and utensils until she got tired and fall asleep on the bed.

Meanwhile in Manila, Philippines...

"Bye, I'll see you guys maybe tomorrow afternoon," Shainna said as she walk in the car.

"Are you sure you don't want any of us to go with you there?" Khate asked worriedly because Shainna told them earlier that she wanted to go to Palawan alone. Although she is a celebrity, Khate doesn't like being strict because she knows what the poor girl had been through. She doesn't want Shainna to feel like she's chained again. So, as much as possible, she let the latter do whatever makes her happy.

"Yes. I'll be fine I promise. I'm used to going there alone so don't worry," Shainna smiled.

"Alright, take care."

"Bring some crabs when you go back, alright?" Kei said. Well, all she thinks about is food. It's not something new.

"I don't even know how to catch it. Jhane was the one who used to do it. She liked fishing. If she's there, then I'll ask her to catch some for you," she said half-joking, half hoping that Jhane would really be there although it sounds a bit impossible. It seems like there is only a twenty percent chance that they'll meet there. So, she's not letting her hopes high to avoid disappointment.

"I'll pray that you'll see her. Go now, bye-bye," Kei said and waved at her. Then she waved back while saying, "Au revoir les amis" and the car began departing.

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