Chapter 34 - Epilogue

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10 years later - Mai's POV

'Hey! Hey! You get back here now!' I yell at our son who's running around our tree top not wanting to get into bed.

'Lo'ak!' I yell at my mate, 'can you come and help with your son please'

Lo'ak scuttles in sheepishly knowing I have caught him out in trying to get out of being on baby duty. I say baby, he's only 5, but he'll always be my little baby no matter how big he grows.

'You loin like you're about to pop any day,' Lo'ak comments making me roll my eyes at my swollen belly. I was more than happy when I found out I was going to have another child. I didn't want him to grow up alone.

'Yes which is why you, sir, need to be more helpful towards your wife.' I throw a satchel at him from across the room making him yelp and try and dodge out of the way. I laughed loudly at his cowardliness towards a satchel.

'Date night tomorrow don't forget,' I raise my eyebrows at Lo'ak. 'Jake and Neytiri are taking him'

'I know, I know. I could never forget. I got something special planned.' Lo'ak winked at me planting a kiss on my forehead.

'Let me guess, does it involve a very old tree? The tallest in Pandora? Looking over the sunset?' I joke at him reminding him of our old spot which we still visit sometimes.

Lo'ak just chuckled at our fondest memories and ran after our child grabbing him and swooshing him up in the air pretending he's an airship flying into bed.

Lo'ak sits down ready to tuck him into bed,

'Right Neteyam, what story are you wanting to hear about tonight?' Lo'ak asks our son, Neteyam.

I smile at the two of them watching their every move.

'Tell me about that one time Nanny, Grandad and Mummy had to save you and Auntie Tuk and Kiri from the monsters!' Neteyam clapped excitedly wanting hear about how we had to save their asses. Lo'ak begins the story- leaving out the violent parts of it of course - he's only 5.

I watch my husband as he explains the story using his hands to paint the picture for our son who was smiling widely at everything his father was telling him.

Neteyam was sound asleep finally after begging Lo'ak to tell him 3 more stories before he went to sleep. He put his arm around me and I put my head onto his shoulder. He retuned the act, like he always did, by putting his head on top of mine.

We'd grown since we were teenagers, but if one thing still fit it was the feeling that we felt when we were here in this moment and in this position.

My jigsaw, my missing piece, my Lo'ak.

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