Chapter 2

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Neteyam was was pissed at me for a while for ditching him with Lo'ak but we soon patched things up with a ruffle on my head and a simple 'you skxawng' I'd spent the last couple days with the two Sully brothers exploring the forest, they took me to places of it I had never seen before.

Neteyam and Lo'ak had also introduced me to their parents and I could tell Neteyam had told them about how I had no family left after the war between Jake and the Sky People as they both welcomed me warmly and with open arms.

Today was boring, Lo'ak was  off in the forest doing god knows what with their sisters Kiri and Tuk and Neteyam was being trained more on his Ikran by his parents, so I finally decided to sneak away from the clan and explore on my own.

Before I left, I grabbed my bow and arrow from my tent, it was a gorgeous bow, my mothers, it had yellow feathers woven through it. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered how Lo'ak's Ikran was also yellow. I held my bow to my chest and murmured 'Oel ngati kameie, mother' meaning,

'I see you mother.'

A tear trickled down my face. I was only young when they died but it haunts me to this day, I've managed to stay close to them by visiting them at the tree every now and then, I thank Eywa for that tree.

I was running lightly on my feet through the forest, the forest green leaves becoming a slight blur to me with my fast pace when I stopped dead in my tracks after hearing a boom of voices ruffle through the trees. I pressed my back against one of the big trees begging not to be seen as I draw my bow and scan my eyes to try and see who may be trespassing by me.

My bow stops and I look directly down at a scene unfolding before me, it was Lo'ak, Tuk, and Kiri being held by their braids by sky peop- sky people?

What the hell were the sky people doing here and why do they have the Sully's?

I watch as Lo'ak raises his middle fingers up at something one of the Na'vi dressed in camouflage gear yells something and I couldn't help but giggle, Classic Lo'ak, My grin was soon wiped away as I saw the guy who looks Na'vi but clearly isn't grips on his hair tighter causing him to let out a strained hiss.

I know what I have to do.

Lo'ak had given me this sky people comms gadget a couple days prior so we could chat when he was busy, he'd set it to a certain channel so it would be just us, something about Neteyam butting in, but I think I knew which channel his father was on. I stealthily crept away from the scene so I could speak clearly enough for the other line to hear me.

'Sir, can you hear me? It's Mai?' I stuttered down the line becoming slightly nervous as impressed two fingers up to my neck to allow a connection.

'Mai? Are you okay?'

I hear a concerned voice down my ear back. I breathe a sigh of relief after finding out I did remember the channel.

'Sir, Lo'ak, Tuk and Kiri seem to be held hostage by some Na'vi folk and Sky People that are dressed in camo gear' I spoke fast and clear worried that my time was running out. I hear Jake inhale sharply after hearing me say the latter part of the sentence.

'Where are you Mai, do NOT engage you hear me? Stay right there we will come to you.'

I quickly tell Jake that we are near an old caravan type looking place, all I have to do now is wait for them to come to me without being seen.

How hard could that be?

The Bond of The Forest - Lo'ak X Reader  Where stories live. Discover now