Chapter 27

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It was the day of the funeral, the day to let Neteyam go and be with Eywa. Lo'ak and I had slept under our palm tree the previous night, which had almost turned into a spot for me, Lo'ak and Neteyam now.

It holds even deeper meaning now.

I awaken and take in my surroundings propping myself up with my elbows. I breathe in and inhale the salt from the sea air, feeling a calm rush over me because of it. I look at the sunrise peeking from the ocean with its bright happy colours which juxtaposed from my heavy heart.

I looked at Lo'ak now, watching him taking deep mellow breaths and his ears twitching every now and again. His face was relaxed now a furrowed brow in sight. It was the calmest I had seen him look in days. The sunrise twinkled reflecting on the white dots scattered on his face and body making him more beautiful than he already is.

'Hey' I whisper softly, not wanting to wake him into this cruel world, but knowing that I had to. It pained me. He awoke with a startle shooting himself up. Before he could panic I wrapped my arms around him until his heavy breathing subsided.

'We need to get painted up, it's time.' I say to Lo'ak quietly getting out of our embrace and planting my hands on his shoulders instead forcing him to look into my eyes.

'I know,' Lo'ak replies in barely a whisper. I smile softly and grab his hand before making our way to the pod where the funeral paints were going to be laid out. We passed the Sully family who were already painted, painted looks on their faces from grieving the loss of their son/brother. I nod towards them softly before gesturing an 'I see you' in their direction out of respect. They all kindly returned the gesture.

The paints were laid out in front of us, I noticed Lo'ak looking at them with a great hatred on his face. He hesitates over the white paint with his fingers, terrified to dip them in knowing it'll place him into reality.

I dip my hand into the white paint,

'Come here' I say softly gazing into his eyes. My hand grazed over his nose and reaching his lips before finishing at his chin with the white paint. His eyes glossed over immediately. 'Thank you Mai,' he whispered.

I nod not wanting to say too much in worry of upsetting him but he continues his sentence.

'You know what this reminds me of? In a weird way? When you had to clean me up after being left in the ocean from Ao'nung and his stupid friends. I remember it was at sunset, those damn sunsets that remind me of you now every time I see them. I remember thinking of how beautiful you looked in that moment, in all moments. But especially that moment. I said to myself that night that you will be mine forever. I went and bragged to Neteyam straight afterwards about how you cared enough to look after my stupid bruises and how it was the night we had our first kiss.'

I smile at Lo'ak as I too remember that evening in great detail remembering every sensation, every touch of his skin with my hands.

'I remember it too,' I bring his clasped hands up to my lips and kiss them gently. 'Todays going to be okay, I promise. I'm here for you.'

We made our way in the water out to the place where we'd lay Neteyam to rest with Eywa, he was still balled up in that curled up position he was in when we laid him under our palm tree. I felt my eyes welling up but shook them off straight away before Lo'ak saw, he needs me to be strong today.

Jake and Neytiri lay him down in the bed of the sea before the lights engulfed him. We dip our heads in the water to get one last look at Neteyam before Eywa snatches him away from us.

I see Lo'ak reach out letting out a muffled yell from underwater as if he was going to touch Neteyam for the last time. We all surfaced and I heard muffled cries surrounding us. Everyone saw Neteyam for the true warrior he was, the true protector he was. He was brave. Nobody would forget that.

To say our final goodbyes the family head to the ancestors tree to connect to Neteyam. To relive a memory of him. As I am not family I start to head towards the shore with the others. I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder. Turning around I notice it's Jake.

'Come, he would have wanted you there.' Jake says to me with cracks in his voice.


I know it's repetitive because of the film butttttt I wanted him to have a proper send off 💔
The next couple of chapters is going to be split into each character and what they see in each of their memories when connecting with Neteyam <3 it'll be each chapter each character. I'm going to write them all out THEN release them so bare with! Thanku for all your support also it means A LOT hope u enjoy OXOXO

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