Chapter 8

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The Sully's and I were given fish wrapped in a green leaf parcel for dinner, I hadn't realised how hungry I am until looking at the food on the logs in front of me. I guess a long ride and splashing around in the water wears you out. I close my eyes and silently thank Eywa for the food infront of me before tucking in with the rest of them.

'How are you finding it here so far?' Neytiri asked us. We were eating in our own group so none of the other clan would be able to hear our answers but we still spoke in a low tone- just in case. Kiri huffed picking at her food. You could tell she wasn't happy to be here something was really bothering her.

This caused Neytiri to frown with concern at her daughter.

'How're the other kids?' She continued to question trying to get some answers out of us. I saw Neteyam smirk at Lo'ak before replying to his mother,

'Honestly, mum, I think that chiefs son has the hots for Mai, I definitely saw him looking at her a certain type of way.'

This caused Lo'ak to shoot a warning glare over at his brother whilst Neteyam laughed at him teasing his brother.

'Now what was his name again? Lo'ak do you remember?' Neteyam teased as he watched Lo'ak's face turned dark. Jake rolled his eyes at his kids and Kiri followed his action. I scowled at Neteyam for even suggesting such a thing.

'Ao'nung' Lo'ak mumbled to his older brother. Neteyam chuckled replying 'what was that bro, speak up.' 

This seemed to infuriate Lo'ak as he swiftly stood up and left the table making a beeline for the beach. Why was he so angry? Is he that horrified that someone could like me, even if it is Ao'nung. Maybe I could play up to this.

I sigh and look around at the family around me. Jake and Neytiri have their arms around Kiri comforting her whilst Neteyam had Tuk on his lap smiling at me in amusement.

'Something must have really pissed him off huh.' He said simply, 'I wonder what.'

I shot him one last glare before standing up to go and comfort my friend on the beach.

'Lo'ak wait up' I hollered running on the white sand beneath my feet. He sat down  near enough to the water that it would wash over his feet with every wave that rolled towards him.

He seemed to carry a dark thundercloud above his head and I started to worry that maybe it wasn't the smarted thing to have ran after him. I stopped and looked at him watching the purple sunset shine against his patterned blue skin.

My stomach seemed to be filling with butterflies as he turned his head in my direction, his eyes catching a glimpse of the sun making them shine brightly, contrasting against his dark demeanour.

As he turned back to face the ocean I sat down beside him resting my head on his shoulder.

'Why are we always staring off into the damn sunset,' I chuckled. I felt a weight against my head as he reciprocated my action and rested his head on mine.

'I don't know but I like it, it's peaceful isn't it. I feel like I never really appreciated it until I met you.' Lo'ak replied.

My heart filled when he said those words.
'Lo'ak, why did you get so mad at your brother just then, you know he likes to tease you,' I say causing him to lift his head and stare into my eyes. Again. This boy is driving me crazy with the staring.

'Mai, I've been compared to Neteyam my whole life, I'm not like him, a perfect child, I don't have his Na'vi fingers, I don't have his attitude. All I do is disappoint my Dad. He wishes I was more like him.'

My previously full heart drained hearing Lo'ak's voice break.

'I don't think you need to be anyone but yourself. You're perfect the way you are. Fingers and all.' I say picking up his hand and playing with his fingers. He smiled softly releasing the tension from his once furrowed eyebrows.

'I see you Lo'ak,' I say to him. 'oel ngati kameie' I say it with emphasis that he turned his whole body towards me, that soft smile still planted on his face.

The purple light seemed to be brightening against his face making the white dots painted in his body to glow. He noticed the same thing about me as I noticed him scanning the features on my face. He opened his mouth to say something yet shut it again shaking head causing his tied back braids to loosen.

'I have something for you, you don't have to have it I just thought you might like it' he said. My eyes widen, he got me something? Should I have got him something? Why am I getting a gift? He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bead that resembles the one he wears loosely at the front of his head.

'I made it a couple of days a go, it's the same one as the one in my hair, I thought you could wea-' I cut him off by pulling him into a tight embrace. I'm going to go for it.

I lean in and kiss his cheek softly clasping my hands over his enclosed ones that hold the bead.

'I love it' I whisper to him.

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