Chapter 32

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Back to Mai's Pov

The next couple of weeks were slow and painful for us all. The change of having one less member had taken a toll on us.

Lo'ak was slowly coming back into himself after days on end of silence. I was by his side through all of it, through the sadness, through the breakdowns and through his random bursts of happiness when he would allow himself to smile before catching himself and remembering the loss of his older brother.

The evening came round and Lo'ak and I had found ourselves wandering through some caves by the ocean. The cave was dark but lit up from the crystal blue water and the glowing plants that sat on the sea floor.

Lo'ak came over to me and placed his hand on my cheek. Blushing, I look at the floor of the cave. He still has this effect on me. The effect of still feeling nervous and butterflies whenever he told me that he loved me or that he thought I looked pretty.

He put his forehead on mine, 'I want you, Mai'teina.' Lo'ak never used my proper name, only when he was being serious or really annoyed. I looked into his eyes knowing exactly what he meant by this. I gave him a look,

'You don't know what you're saying Lo'ak. You're grieving, you're confused.' I say but he had an extremely serious expression on his face.

'I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Mai. I've wanted it for a while then when my dad brought up the stuff about the mating and stuff I thought about it more. It's you, it's only you. It's always been you. I've chosen who I want, but you must also choose me.'

I gazed into my boyfriends eyes a smile plastered on my face, love written all over it.

'I choose you too Lo'ak.' I whisper at him.

We stood there still facing each other and not breaking eye contact, we held our Tsaheylu's and connected them.

A feel of euphoria rushed through me causing me to close my eyes lean my head back onto his. I was transported through all of our memories of happiness and lust as we made the bond. A smile curled onto my lips as I relived our first kiss.

I felt all of his emotions too, his happiness, sadness, pain, his lust. I wanted all of it. All of his feelings I wanted to feel it too.

Coming out of our dream-like state we hugged each other tightly.

'What are we going to tell your family Lo'ak,' I say in an almost whisper.

'My dad can't say anything, he was like basically our age when he bonded with mum.' Lo'ak shrugged simply smoothing out my worried expression with his hands.

'I love you Mai. I feel you more than ever now. I see you more than ever.' Lo'ak smiled at me softly planting a kiss on my lips.

'You did what?' Jake said. Jake and Neytiri stood in front of Lo'ak and I in the main pod. Lo'ak clearly felt strongly about this subject as he held himself up in a proud stance and grasped my hand tightly.

'I love her dad, and she loves me. It was going to happen someday, and it just felt right to do it now.' Lo'ak spoke in a loud tone to try and prove to his father he wasn't backing down.

I watched his parents carefully as they exchanged glances to each other communicating through eye contact. They finally turn back to us,

'We accept this. We accept you into our family Mai. We brought you here with us for a reason. I understand. I also understand, that you're both only teenagers-'

'But you and mu-'

Jake held his hand up to stop Lo'ak from continuing with his protest,

'That you're both only teenagers. You must understand now is not the time to mate so don't be making any rash and stupid decisions. You're the older brother now son. You have to help protect this family greater than ever now.'

Lo'ak broke his proud stance and seemed to shrink in the mention of Neteyam.

'Sully family meeting. Now' Jake boomed, 'I know you're out there listening Kiri and Tuk. Come in.'

Lo'ak and I looked at each other worriedly. Surely he's not going to discuss this private matter infront of everyone? Kiri and Tuk also walk in timidly at being caught. Lo'ak flipped Kiri off, like he usually does, causing her to stick her tongue out at him in retaliation

I brace for what Jake is about to say whilst we all take a knee looking at him intently. Ready to be super embarrassed. Jake spoke suddenly,

'We've decided it's time to go home.'

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