Chapter 19

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Waking up in the morning was difficult today, I relay the scenes from last night in my head and feel the embarrassment from Jake catching us all over again. I audibly groan. Making Kiri look over in my direction startled.

'You okay Mai?' She queries. I sat up and started to get myself ready for the day visibly dragging my feet.

I shoot a smile over to Kiri letting her know I'm fine. She shrugged and left the tent to head over to where we have breakfast.

Breakfast. Oh my Eywa this was about to be awkward.

I reached the place where we sit down to have breakfast with all of the Sully's. Tuk was squealing happily at the food before her. I sat myself on the only available log between Neteyam and Lo'ak.

'Hey' I said sheepishly.

I notice Jake looking at me and giving me an awkward smile which made his lips disappear. A classic awkward dad smile. I want to leave this breakfast immediately.

'Why is everyone in such a weird mood this morning?' Kiri asks looking around at the avoided eye contact from us all.

'Shut up Kiri, everything's fine.' Lo'ak grumbled at his sister knowing full well that we are the reason it's awkward.

Neteyam, I noticed, was also sat in silence. I nudged him and asked him if he was alright to which he replied with a curt 'fine thank you.'

What's his issue too?

'What're you kids going to be up too today?' Neytiri asks in a soft tone, genuinely interested in our day. Kiri mentioned something about going to play with the fish.

'Ao'nung has asked me to help him out with something today. I don't know what it is though,' I say remembering Ao'nung's and I's meeting yesterday.


I was walking back from seeing Lo'ak with the Tulkan when I bumped into a Na'vi boy. Ao'nung.

'What do you want' I say when he wouldn't get out of my path.

'I want to talk to you, but not now. Will you meet me tomorrow? By the docks after breakfast?'

My curious nature overtook my hatred for fish boy, so I accepted before being on my way.

~~~~end of flashback~~~~

Neteyam and Lo'ak's head snapped up at my mention of hanging out with Ao'nung.

'Are you kidding me?'
'What're you going round with him for?'
'He's such a dick, watch him do something stupid. If he hurts you Mai I swear to Eywa'

Neteyam and Lo'ak were talking over each other loudly clearly showing their disapproval towards my previous words.

I hold my hand up to silence them whilst Jake scolds Lo'ak for 'swearing to Eywa'.

'I can handle myself, I just want to hear what he has to say.' I say raising my eyebrows at the two brothers. I could see Lo'ak was anything but happy at what I had just said to him. I knew I was about to have a million questions asked as soon as breakfast had finished.

The rest of the meal was sat in almost silence other than a few words from Tuk that nobody but Neteyam seemed to entertain.

We finished up and I head outside knowing exactly who was following me close behind.

'Hey, Mai. What the hell? Ao'nung? Really?' Lo'ak looked at me an almost disgusted look on his face. I looked at him and sighed,

'I saw him yesterday, he said he wanted to speak to me about something and I thought what's the harm in it? We have to live amongst these people so why wouldn't I try and be civil.'

Lo'ak looked at me and scoffed, 'he tried to fucking kill me Mai.' I took my hand in his gently and squeezed it.

'That was months a go Lo'ak. I'm not saying what he did wasn't wrong. It sure as hell was and I'll bring it up don't you worry.' I looked at Lo'ak's face that was filled with a mix of emotions. 'I'll tell you everything that happens, you have nothing to worry about.'

I reach up and kiss his cheek gently before heading to docks where Ao'nung said to meet leaving Lo'ak standing there. I heard a faint 'what're you looking at Neteyam' coming from Lo'ak from behind me as I left.

Rolling my eyes I found myself on the docks and noticed Ao'nung sitting on the edge his feet dangling into the water infront of him. I sat down by him, but I made sure to leave a big gap. I don't want him thinking we're friends.

'I'm glad you came,' Ao'nung said awkwardly to which I replied with a simple, 'what do you want.' I heard Ao'nung sigh next to me.

'I feel bad okay? For all the things I said to you, about you, I got shitty social skills and I'm a dick and I'm sorry. I want us to be friends.' Ao'nung sounded like he was about to carry on but I spoke before he could continue,

'You tried to kill Lo'ak'

I felt Ao'nung's body stiffen as he replied with a sneer in his voice, 'right, your new boyfriend.'

'What do you care who Lo'ak is to me?' I retort back to him. 'See, this is why we can't be friends. You're so rude Ao'nung.'  I roll my eyes in annoyance at the boy.

I saw him turn his head as if he clocked something out of his peripheral vision and leaned over to me, before I could do anything Ao'nung kissed me. 

'What the actual fuck.' I heard from behind us whilst trying to push Ao'nung off of me.

Lo'ak. Shit.

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