Chapter 5

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I took my hand away from Mai as she grabbed both mine and Neteyam's questioning us on what was wrong. The thought of telling her made me sick. I stood up and rushed out of the tent. I walked blindly for a couple of minutes and found myself at the river that Dad used to take Neteyam and I hunting.

Neteyam was always the better hunter, caught all of the bigger fish. Dad was always so proud of him yet would give me a simple pat on the shoulder and just tell me to try again to find a bigger fish. I never would.
I scowled and kicked the water beneath my feet.

I crouched down looking at my reflection in the crystal blue water. I brought my hand up to my necklace and fiddled with it subconsciously, it was my Ikran's claw from when I first tried to make the bond and we ended up crashing into one of the hallelujah mountains.

I felt awful for storming out like that, yet sometimes my anger gets the better of me and clouds my judgement. I'll apologise later. I hear a voice in the distance,

'Bro'     'Bro'     'Where is your skxawng ass'

Ah, Neteyam. His favourite word to call me. His eyes fall upon me staring into the water crouched down.

'Oh bro you found our old fishing spot!' Neteyam leaps over the rocks and stands in the river mimicking him pulling back a bow and shooting it into the water. He notices my frown not budging from my face and makes his way over to me flipping his hair in the process. He also ruffles mine as he enters my presence.

'What's going on bro, the mighty warrior disappointed he won't be able to see his girlfriend again?'

He teases me. I know he's trying to make my laugh but it makes me kick the water in exasperation again. Neteyam frowns understanding now is not a time for teasing.

'Talk to me, brother'

I shake my head, 'This ain't right Tey'am, we can't just leave her here. She's family now, we are all she's got'

Neteyam nods in agreement.

'So family as in like sister or-? I cut him off before he could continue is sentence by pushing him over jokingly so he lands in the water.

He charges at me and grabs me pulling me into the water too, we laugh and play fight for a minute before seating ourself back on the rocks our knees by our chests.

'Fuck' Neteyam almost whispers, 'I'm gonna miss the forest.'

I look over at him eyebrows raised, I didn't realise his love for this place was so strong. He catches my look on his face and goes back into big brother mode, 'but Dad says it'll protect us as a family, it'll keep us safe, keep us all alive from the Demons from the Sky'

I shrugged at his statement. He's always trying to kiss dad's ass. Not having his own opinion. Neteyam fiddled with his neckpiece, a trait we both had when they had something on their minds.

'We need to talk to dad about Mai, Lo'ak' he speaks again, 'you're right she deserves to come with us.'

My mouth turns into a smile before it fades almost as quickly. I let out a hoarse cough clearing my throat preparing for what I'm about to say,

'So, Mai - you like her or something?' I ask Neteyam whilst pretending not to be dying for the answer by playing with a stick beside me. I hear Neteyam let out a huge laugh as he throws his head back in stitches.

'Nah nah nah bro, you can have her' he continues giggling at me.

He can see straight through me.

'I meant to mention that actually,' Neteyam says through laughs, 'I saw you guys holding hands, was sickeningly cute' I push Neteyam again but this time he sits straight and pushes against me not allowing himself to go back into the water.

'We were just trying to get out of the situation quick, I doubt she even like remembers, bro it was literally nothing anyway I'm sure she sees me as a brother, she does say we are like her family after all, you said it yourself.' I roll my eyes at Neteyam's chuckle of a response.

'No brother. I may call you skxawng but surely you cannot be this much of an idiot' I roll my eyes yet again.

I've decided to be done with this conversation and to try and find Mai, and I have a sneaky suspicion I know exactly where to find her.

'You go start to speak to Dad about Mai, Tey'am, I'm going to go and find her I'm worried I have made her upset.' I call my Ikran to take me to the spot Mai had taken me a week a go when we first had met. Neteyam stood up too clicking his feet together and bringing his hand up to his head, his back stiff and he salutes.

'Yes mighty warrior, whatever you say sir.'

This is the third eye roll Neteyam has now received from me. I hear him chuckling to himself as he disappears into the forest.

I climb up onto my Ikran and fly over the trees to find Mai. Looking down at the forest a wave of emotion passes over me.

Nowhere we go next will be as perfect as the forest, I won't fit in anywhere else.

Especially if she isn't there with me.

The Bond of The Forest - Lo'ak X Reader  Where stories live. Discover now