Chapter 16

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It had been a couple of days since the incident. Lo'ak was recovering but continued to sleep a lot making it difficult to talk to him. I did spend as much time by his side in the evenings telling him about what I did that day, whether he was asleep or awake didn't matter to me.

I prayed that night of Lo'ak's near death experience to Eywa that he would survive this cruel curse put upon him. I continue to thank her every day that passes that he is alive and healing.

'So, today we swam to the clan's underwater tree. Oh Lo'ak you would have loved it,' I talk to a sleeping Lo'ak. 'It was beautiful, I saw my family. I wish you could have met them. They would love you.' I smile softly and look at the leaves that cover Lo'ak's once punctured skin.

Ronal had sewn him up nice and good after getting the bullet out. I remember hugging Neteyam tightly that evening as we heard the piercing cries that came from the pod when it was being done.

Ronal had explained that the leaves will allow him to heal quicker as nature has a funny way of helping us out.

I continue to chatter away to Lo'ak when I watch his eyes flutter open.

'Do you ever shut up?' Lo'ak smirked at me attempting to sit up.

I helped him sit up and squatted beside him giving him a sarcastic head tilt.

'It's nice to see you too.' I roll my eyes at the boy.
'Can I ask you a question?' Lo'ak asked me his expression turning serious. I nod in response.
'That night, it's all a bit of a blur, but, where did you go when you left Neteyam with me?'

I lower my head and look at my hands. I could almost see them turning red from the murders I executed.

'I killed them Lo'ak. I counted every single one. 12 all together.' I continue to stare at my hands when I see a big blue hand take them and hold them gently.

'Irayo' Lo'ak says to me.

'You mustn't thank me Lo'ak. I took peoples lives away from them. Yes they're bad people, and they could have killed you, but it still makes me a monster, I don't know how you can look at me the same.'

'Oel Ngati Kameie ma Mai.'

Lo'ak touches my chin reminding me of the time we kissed. The way we tell each other that we see each other feels different to any other way I have said to anybody else. It holds meaning.

'You are no monster, I'm sorry for thanking you. But just know I would never see you as a monster.' He pulls me into him allowing my head to rest on his chest. His arm folded around me making me feel safe.

'Ma Mai?' Lo'ak asks,

'Yes?' This new way of him saying my name gives me butterflies. Like I am his.

'I would have hated myself if I died and didn't tell you this.'
My mind flashes with things that he could be wanting to tell me. Not all of them good.

'I think, I think I-' Lo'ak hesitates,

'Nga yawne lu oer.'

Did I hear that correctly? Did Lo'ak Sully just say he loved me?

'Lo'ak, I-' I'm cut off before I could say anything with a firm kiss to my lips. I'd missed this. Lo'ak pulls away and reaches his fingers up to my lips as if to silence me.

'You don't have to say it back. Say it when you're ready, if you're ever ready, if you ever even feel it in fact. Not just because I'm lay here helpless on deaths door.'

'But Lo'ak, I do love you. I think I loved you the day I met you, it's just blossomed into something beautiful now.'

Lo'ak smiled at my response but I could tell his eyelids were getting heavy.

'Rest' I say and plant a kiss on each eyelid. I rest my head on his chest feeling his still strained breaths moving me in a way the water moves me when I'm floating.

My jigsaw, my missing piece, my way of water, my Lo'ak.

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