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Jimin POV

How to deal with Mr. Jeon! Or any of this crazy mess now with Mr. Kim! I was just here to study get goods grades and please my parents!! Not getting so much sex I can't sit!

People looking at me weird I think they maybe saw me entering his office or who knows what! Now I'm so embarrassed why is he acting this way like a boyfriend!! It's just sex for tutoring classes! He's just mixing too many things up and he's going to get me in trouble and I'm not talking about the university.

It's with people around me because I've heard everyday the stories of Mr. Jeon and how many he's had sex with but then that he throws them to the side like dirty sluts. That's the gossip around and I'm here thinking imagine if they knew the way he treats me! It's like he favors me in everything and it's showing.

I'll probably gets death threats and bullied in this place! I really don't want that. I want peace I'm usually not a troublemaker who looks for problems however it's someone else who might get me in problems with everyone for his weird behavior.

I'm going to have to speak to him tonight and make it clear he better not have any expectations with me even if this a teacher on student relationship for many years I'm hoping he looks at it professional wise.

It must be made clear because I'm getting hate glares already and who knows what's traveling about me then I also have to leave with him in the afternoon!! Damm it people are going to see me and what the hell will I say if supposedly Mr. Jeon doesn't do that with anyone!

I think the most that has me worried is will I have an ass by then because he's a sex freak!! I've never seen such a horny man! Well it is my second sex partner but I can say truthfully my first one don't even count much because it was just one time.

So I really think Mr. Jeon broke me completely inside that first time we had sex and now from so much I'm getting a little accustomed to this pain in my ass I feel it's going to be a part of my life from now on.

Then this buisness now with me going back to Mr. Jeon class I didn't even know a professor could request back a student? That's new news to me that could even be done.

I've been here just two weeks and everything going haywire, I don't want to be hated yet I do want the best teaching which that's Mr. Jeon so I'm going to have to endure him for much longer.

What I want is for him to get into his head that our relationship is just sex and nothing more ever. He needs to concentrate on teaching. He's a grown mature man who was already married.

So we'll have a mature conversation tonight one I'm hoping he'll understand and gets him controlled to not let whatever crazy thoughts that invade his mind drive him to embarrass and humiliate me all the time.

Like right now girls just huddled glaring at me hatefuly I know it's because of Mr. Jeon, it's jealousy! This needs to be contained before it gets much more chaotic for me.

Author POV

Jimin knew the heat was coming of having the hottest professor in the whole exclusive university on his feet. People are noticing Jungkook got preference over him and to anyone that will get you in the back list of hating you forever.

All of them asked why Jimin was he a rich kid paying his teacher off or was he using his body giving him gay sex which is tighter than normal sex. So to them he was being an easy slut to get ahead in the university. Something a bunch of students do but usually it's not like this.

Back in Jungkook's office Taehyung was making fun at him;

"What the actual hell are you doing Jungkook! Why you acting like such a dumbass!! Didn't you just get divorced what are you playing at! You know that boy beautiful can tell you to fuck off anytime!!"

𝓗𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓲𝓻𝓮  21+(𝓙𝓲𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴)𝓞𝓷-𝓖𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰Where stories live. Discover now