At Lila's, she feels her negativity. "Ohh, Nooroo! We got another one! Oh, and it's Tomoe Tsurugi. Aka, Kagami's Mom. Huh? And this one is quite interesting. She's mad because her husband has returned, and is going to make Kagami weaker. As well as mad at Kagami for abandoning her Mom's way." Lila said. "Huh? A two for one?" Nooroo asked. "Somewhat. Either way, I think I can make a really powerful villain with this. [gets off bed]. Nooroo, dark wings rise." Lila said, as she transforms into Farfalla. Once in villain costume, she goes to her butterfly cage, and pulls out one. Using her powers, she turns the butterfly into a megakuma. Finally, she opens her window, sending the megakuma out, and waiting for it to get it's prey. Tomoe back home is still in rage. She pounds the counter hard with her metal hand. "Kagami is wasting her life! But Dan is the one to blame! Yeah! Him, and Kagami for being so weak." Tomoe yelled. The megakuma flies in, and goes into Tomoe's robotic hand. "[mask forms]. Ultra Gozen. I am Farfalla. Kagami was once your perfect warrior, loyal knight, and fierce gladiator. Now, she choose to abandon those titles of honor, to live a much more pointless life. But there is still a chance to save her with my assistance. You will be an unstoppable weapon of mass destruction, and mayhem. You'll be armed with weaponry so powerful, even the military would piss themselves. You will use this to help save your daughter, and make her pay for trying to be weak. Then use this to get me the miraculous of Ladybug, Cat Noir, and any hero they dare to bring along. With Ladybug deserving death for being the weakest one of them all." Farfalla ordered. "I hate it when warriors are weak. I'll show them what true honor is all about, Farfalla." Tomoe replied, as she transforms into Ultra Gozen.

    Soon, Dan, Kagami, and the heroes go to Dan's messed up apartment. It's a low rent mess, that's even messier with all the junk around. "My God, they really scavenged this place." Blue Bird said. "Sorry if it looks so bad. You know, you guys didn't have to come along to help me clean up." Dan replied. "I'm sure these two will be fine with it. If anything, Kagami deserves to know her Dad is living in a safe place." Cat Noir said. Then, they hear bottles smashing. "Uhh, maybe moving out is a better suggestion." Blue Bird said. "I agree with that." Ladybug replied. "Sorry, it's all I got." Dan said.  "I mean, could be worse.  You could have a hole in your wall right now."  Cat Noir replied.  Soon, Ultra Gozen punches a hole into Dan's apartment wall.  The heroes, Dan, and Kagami fall to the floor, and get covered in dust.  "[coughs].  Ok, are you just being meta on purpose today?"  Blue Bird asked.  Soon, Dan screams.  "Dad!!!"  Kagami screamed.  She runs through the dust, only to stop, when she narrowly falls off the ledge.  The hero's join her, as they face Ultra Gozen.  She still has Ikari Gozen's colors, but new material.  Her legs aren't horse legs, instead they are connected to a tank.  Her arms multiple laser canons, with her left arm being a giant death cannon.  Her head is the same, except she has a larger horn with silver metal armor at the top, as well as three addition horns like that on the back of her head.  Finally, she has her blade, with has some new tech to it.  "So, Kagami.  You think you can leave me for his chump.  [eats Dan, as everyone gasp].  Fine!  [pulls out blade, which after she pushes a button, gets buzzsaws, chains, shruikens, and a laser canon as the blade].  Let me show you the hard way, to what weakness is all about."  Ultra Gozen yelled.  Soon, she slashes the building, which sends it collapsing.  Cat Noir grabs Kagami, and they all jump to safety.  They hide, as Ultra Gozen looks for them.  "Ok guys.  Are we going to ignore she legit ate Dan?!"  Blue Bird asked, as he freaks out.  "Don't worry.  He is basically going to be buckled up in a car seat inside her stomach.  Believe me, I know."  Kagami replied.  "That ain't no chicken dinner.  Also, she ate you too?  What is with this woman?"  Blue Bird asked.  "She's a jerk that's what.  [looks at Ultra Gozen, who shots buildings around her].  I seriously wish I can punch her in the face right now.  Beat her as hard as I can so much, her weapons explode on her.  I just... I WANT TO KILL HER!!!"  Kagami yelled.  "Ok.  Maybe cool it down with the crazy behavior, Kagami."  Blue Bird said.  "Says the guy who killed numerous people when Zombizou came back."  Kagami replied.  "Ok, that does look very bad, but it's a zombie apocalypse for Christ sake.  You saw them!  They look undead, and ready to kill.  I was trying to survive like any smart human would do."  Blue Bird replied.  "Enough with this.  Kagami, do you want to help us?"  Ladybug asked.  "Am I looking good today?"  Kagami asked back.  "Sure."  Ladybug replied.  "There's your answer."  Kagami said.  "I'm sorry, Kagami is a hero as well?  I mean, I shouldn't be surprised if she was one.  Based on the fact your a pro fencer I got from Adrien, you would be an awesome hero."  Blue Bird replied.  "And you bet your feathered face I am."  Kagami said.  Ladybug gets the Dragon miraculous, and gives it to Kagami.  After she puts it on, Longg reforms.  "Hello, Kagami-San.  Back at it again to bring Justice to villainy, and practice more of your sword fighting skills."  Longg said.  "As always, Longg.  So glad to see you as well."  Kagami replied.  "So Kagami holds the Dragon miraculous?  Nice."  Blue Bird said.  "You won't tell anymore right?"  Longg asked.  "Did I tell anyone who King Monkey was, when Sunken Love attacked?  Exactly."  Blue Bird replied.  "Fair enough.  Longg, bring the storm."  Kagami said, as she transforms into Ryuko.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now