The next day, Adrien starts his morning with a loud yawn.  After rubbing his eyes to get them working, he greets his best friend.  "Morning, Plagg."  Adrien said.  Plagg also gets up, but something is up.  "Ahhhh!  Ahhh!  Ow!"  Plagg said in pain.  "You ok, Plagg?"  Adrien asked.  "Ouch!  My head feels weird."  Plagg replied.  "Your head feels weird?  What?"  Adrien asked confused.  Plagg tries to fly, but all of the sudden, he screams in pain.  He falls back on his pillow.  "Plagg!  Are you ok?"  Adrien asked worried.  "I... I don't know?  [coughs].  What the?  What did I just do?"  Plagg asked, as he starts to panic.  He screams again from his pounding head.  "You coughed."  Adrien replied.  "What is a cough?"  Plagg asked.  "You know.  When someone has to clear their throat, or something.  You heard of a cough before right?"  Adrien asked back.  "Never.  Ahhhhh!!!  And what about my head?  Why does it feel like my brain wants to burst out of my skull?"  Plagg asked in pain.  "Oh no!  Plagg, I... I think you have a cold."  Adrien replied.  "A what?"  Plagg asked scared.  "A cold.  It's something that can happen from being in the rain or cold weather for too long without a jacket."  Adrien explained.  "No!  No, I don't have a cold.  I can't have something like that.  Ahhhhh!  Adrien, it hurts!"  Plagg screamed from his headache.  "Just lie down.  Don't move."  Adrien replied.  "Never!  I need to find Tikki.  [flies in the air].  Maybe she can help me fix this torture device."  Plagg said.  He tries to fly, but his head pounds again.  He screams in pain, so Adrien acts fast.  Grabbing him, and putting him on his pillow.  "You shouldn't move.  Just relax."  Adrien said.  "Stop holding me back, and let me go!"  Plagg demanded.  Soon, he coughs up a storm, as his head pounds harder.  Adrien touches Plagg's forehead.  "Oh God!  You have a high fever as well.  You for sure can't fly anywhere."  Adrien said.  "Ahhhh!!!  Why is this happening to me?  Adrien, I'm scared."  Plagg replied.  "Don't be.  Look, stay still.  I'll be right back."  Adrien replied.  Next thing you know, Adrien straight up tucks Plagg into bed.  Not just half of it, the entire bed.  Adrien's kwami lies down in his own bed.  His body covered with a blanket, and his head lying on a pillow.  Adrien sits beside Plagg.  "Adrien, you don't need to do this to me.  I'll be fine."  Plagg said with a cough.  "By the sound of that cough, I don't think so.  It's no biggie.  This can be resolved easily."  Adrien replied.  "I'm not going to die right?  Or worse, get inject with a syringe."  Plagg asked scared.  "Of course not.  A cold just takes some time to relax, and you'll be better soon.  Moreover, didn't you say kwami injures heal much faster than human?"  Adrien asked back.  "Yes, but this isn't what I expected a cold to be like.  I've never gotten sick.  None of us have gotten sick."  Plagg replied.  "Hold on, you never got sick?"  Adrien asked.  Not once.  Heck, I never even heard of an illness like the cold before."  Plagg replied.  "Oh.  So thats why your so scared."  Adrien said worried.  Plagg sees a scared Adrien, and acts fast.  "No!  I'm not scared.  Even if this headache and cough make me feel like I'm losing my life slowly.  I mean, this is nothing."  Plagg replied.  "It's ok to be afraid, Plagg.  It's natural."  Adrien said.  "NO IT'S NOT!!!  Sorry, I meant, yeah.  [coughs].  Ok, so how can we heal this faster?"  Plagg asked.  "Some hot soup would work nice.  Maybe some medicine.  Besides that, if you just stay in head and rest, you'll be alright."  Adrien replied.  "[coughs].  As long as I don't die.  I mean, gotcha."  Plagg said.  "Stay here.  I'll go get you some medicine."  Adrien replied.  He leaves Plagg alone.  He lies there worried his emotions have taken the better of him.

Adrien returns, also now in his normal clothes, pouring some medicine into a spoon.  "Uhhh, I have to drink all of that?"  Plagg asked.  "Yep!  Don't worry about it.  [looks at Plagg].  Actually, maybe considering how big this spoon is."  Adrien replied.  "So I really need to put all of that down my throat?!"  Plagg asked.  "It's ok, Plagg.  It will help you get better faster.  I promise."  Adrien replied.  "Hmmm, alright.  But I only trust it because you said so."  Plagg said.  After a cough, Plagg opens his mouth.  Adrien slowly, but carefully puts the spoon to Plagg's mouth.  The second the first taste of medicine comes to his tongue, Plagg spits it out.  Staining Adrien's sheets.  "Oh God!  What is that horrendous taste?!"  Plagg asked, as he coughs it out.  "That's just the taste of medicine.  It's bad, I know."  Adrien replied.  "Who ever made medicine clearly wasn't good on execution.  Now I found something that can match vegan cheese in worst taste ever."  Plagg said.  "You still need to drink it buddy.  It will help."  Adrien replied.  "Do I really have to?"  Plagg asked.  "Unless you want to lose your illness slowly."  Adrien replied.  "Ugh!  [coughs].  Ok, let's try again."  Plagg said.  He opens his mouth, as Adrien puts the medicine down Plagg's throat.  He spits it out again from the taste.  "I'm sorry.  I can't do this.  It's too disgusting."  Plagg said.  "But it's going to help Plagg.  Come on."  Adrien replied.  Plagg doesn't want to taste that medicine again, but he still doesn't want to stay sick.  Otherwise, he will look weak.  He opens his mouth again, as Adrien gets ready to serve.  Adrien puts the medicine down Plagg's throat.  He keeps it in, as the taste sinks in.  It makes Plagg want to barf it out for how terrible it taste.  But he must do it.  So, after a deep breath from his nostrils, he swallows.  Afterwards, he coughs from the taste.  "It's worse going down, than keeping it in."  Plagg said.  "But you did it.  You conquered the medicine."  Adrien replied.  "Please.  I could have taken it down anyway."  Plagg said.  "You sure about that?"  Adrien asked.  "Absolutely."  Plagg replied.  "You know, I don't get why the second you show an emotion other than care for me, you try to hide it."  Adrien said.  Plagg freaks out.  "What... what do you mean?  I never hide my emotions."  Plagg asked nervous.  "Well, last night you blushed at me, then immediately hid it.  Why was that?"  Adrien asked back.  "I said you must have saw something.  Why would I ever blush at you?"  Plagg asked back.  "Well, it sort of happens whenever I appreciate or thank you for looking after me.  Maybe, it's because you love it when I say that."  Adrien replied.  "That's ridiculous.  Not that I'm saying I don't appreciate your thanks to me.  I'm more than happy to help you.  It's just, it's weird to why I would blush, or even cry whenever you told me stuff like that."  Plagg said.  "Whatever you say, champ."  Adrien replied.  Soon, Plagg leans his head, and sees some homework in Adrien's bag.  "I see you have a bit of work to do.  You can just do that, as I rest.  Again, not that I don't need it."  Plagg said.  "Don't bother.  It's a lot, but you need more attention than that.  Your more important to deal with."  Adrien replied.  "Of course I'm not.  I may be awesome, but your future is more important than me."  Plagg said.  "Really?  How could you say that?  Your Plagg!  I mean, not many people know about you, but I've seen who you really are.  Ignore your blushing, you are such a funny, helpful, brave kwami.  Like the time I nearly quit from my mental breakdown.  It was you who brought me back to reality.  If it weren't for you, you wouldn't be here with me right now."  Adrien replied.  "I was just doing what is best.  Looking after you."  Plagg said.  "Exactly.  Or the times you comfort me when I felt so alone.  Especially the time I was tempted to put on Essence's mask.  You just know what's best for me, and know the right words to say for any situation.  It's one of the reasons I love you, Plagg.  You just make my life so much better ever since my Mom died.  I'm so grateful to have you."  Adrien replied.  Suddenly, Plagg blushes again.  "Hey, your blushing."  Adrien said.  "Ahhhh!!!  I mean, ow!  My head.  You didn't see blushing.  Why would I be blushing, Adrien?"  Plagg asked.  "Uhhh, because [thinks] actually never mind."  Adrien replied.  "Yes.  Never mind."  Plagg said. 

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now