Chapter 10

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“We are close.” Leiha mumbled. “Are you all ready? The second we step out of the woods to climb the mountains, monsters will see us from far away. We will probably be attacked immediately. Ymoriso told me that once we reach the caves, we should try and block them somehow. That way the monsters residing inside will starve, or kill each other.”

“It is a good plan, but how will we block the caves? If I have to guess, they will have big entrances.” Tunrir looked nervous.

“We will see once we reach them.” Leiha didn't feel comfortable with this, but she knew that if all those monsters in the mountain came out, they could just as well give up their lives.

“Follow me as fast as you can, we don't have a lot of time before night falls.” Leiha was the first one to step out from the trees and start up the rocky terrain.

Her feet were light and she effortlessly ran up, and the others tried to follow her.

Soon the Dragon Hunters were all in the lead while Tunrir, Thon, Dion, Inor, Urik, Evin and Iaven fell a bit behind.

“This is insane. How can they run up a mountain so effortlessly?!” Dion puffed and huffed with a frown on his face.

Soon the humans could not continue running anymore and they had to walk. Leiha, Zunok and the other Dragon Hunters were way in front.

Thon and Dion were soon at the front of their own group.

Tunrir and Iaven seemed to suffer the most. In the tunnels they never had to run or walk very far, and also they had not gotten the best food. Even through in the last days they had eaten properly, their bodies were still a bit weak.

Tunrir felt ashamed and angry that he was the last in line. He was a soldier for goodness sake! How did these young rascals all pass him effortlessly?

“They are young, so it is natural for them to havemore energy, than you, old man.” Tunrir was surprised that Iaven spoke, but her words angered him immediately.

He was only in his thirtees! He was not a old man!

In the front Leiha and the other Dragon Hunters had stopped. They had met a group of five Wioths,
but those were quickly taken care of.

Thon with Dion and Inor just behind him reached Leiha as they just killed the last Wioth.

“It is very bad. These big boulders are perfect for monsters to hide behind. We should be alert at all times.” Leiha sounded displeased.

Iaven and Tunrir reached them in a few seconds while breathing heavily.

“Maybe I should not have
brought you along.” Leiha spoke bluntly. “Your bodies need to grow strong after all the abuse and hard work in the tunnels.”

“I'm fine.” Iaven did not look up, but she had already stabilized her breathing.

“Maybe Dion, and Zunok should stay here with Tunrir. In case monsters come after us.” Leiha's words sounded reasonable, but everyone could see she thought Tunrir had to rest.

Tunrir felt embarrassed and angry, but Dion spoke before he could protest.

“We will stay. I can take out any Wioths from a distance, and Zunok and Tunrir can support me if
they get close.” Dion's face that had started to change from a boy into that of a man's, but he still showed his genuine wide smile.

“Urik, Evin, stay with Dion.” Leiha commanded, and the two nodded.

Then Leiha together with the rest hurried of quickly. There was no reason to waste time for monsters to gather and attack them.

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